Introduction to Conservation-Restoration Sciences


This curricular unit aims at teaching the scientific method and the application of methodologies from the exact and natural sciences in articulation with social and human sciences, in the area of ​​conservation and restoration. These goals enable him/her to better understand the methodologies to study the materials of works of art and conservation and restoration products, as well as to support decision-making processes regarding lighting and hanging artworks (tensions), among other examples.

The program also encourages the student to learn how to define the best methodology for analyzing case studies and to understand the importance of conservation science in solving problems posed by Cultural Heritage. It also seeks to foster some of the skills relevant to the professional activity whether ability to participate creatively in teams of multidisciplinary work; developing a critical spirit; dialogue and communication.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Márcia Gomes Vilarigues, Susana Catarina Dias França de Sá


Weekly - 5

Total - 77

Teaching language



enrolled in Conservation-Restoration bachelor, master or PhD degree


ICCROM. (2013). Forum on Conservation Science, Rome, 16–18 October 2013.

May, E. & Jones, M. (eds). (2006). Conservation Science: Heritage Materials. Cambridge: The Royal Society of Chemistry.

Artioli, G., & Angelini, I. (2010). Scientific methods and cultural heritage: an introduction to the application of materials science to archaeometry and conservation science. Oxford University Press.

Varella, E. A. (Ed.). (2012). Conservation science for the cultural heritage: applications of instrumental analysis (Vol. 79). Springer Science & Business Media.

More bibliography will be made available during classes, on the CU moodle page

Teaching method

In order to achieve these learning objectives, the UC operates in the form of theoretical-practical classes with the presentation of the theoretical concepts, exercises, case studies and laboratorial demonstrations.

Evaluation method

This UC has frequency, that is, a set of criteria for the student to be approved for the UC

- minimum grade of 9.5 in the average of the tests;

- minimum grade of 9.5 in each evaluation component (T and TP) 


Written Report: delivery date to be defined (delivery of reports with more than 3 days delay and up to 3 days are not accepted, each day of delay corresponds to a penalty of 0.5 values)


Theoretical Assessment (60% NTotal) – 2 Tests + 1 report (3000 words)

Theoretical-Practical Assessment (40% NTotal): 2 Presentations

The final grade is calculated with the following formula: Final Grade = 0.60 * NT + 0.40 * NTP

The appeal exam only replaces the theoretical component grade (NT)

In any evaluation moment, students must also take into consideration the provisions of nº3 of article 10º of the ''''''''Evaluation Rules of FCT NOVA'''''''', “When fraud or plagiarism is proven in any of the evaluation elements of a UC, students directly involved are outright disapproved at UC, (…). ” 

Subject matter

This curricular unit covers the following topics:
• What is Conservation Science - its importance for the preservation of heritage
• Mechanical properties of materials
• Elasticity and strength of materials
• Thermal properties of materials
• Degradation of materials
• Light and colour
• Interaction of radiation with matter
• Introduction to spectroscopies in the study of cultural heritage
• Treatments and conservation measures assessment
• Conservation sustainability
• Digital technologies and conservation
• The conservation of science
• The role of conservation science in the preservation of the history of knowledge


Programs where the course is taught: