Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program


General Learning Objectives
Provide knowledge about basic principles and concepts inherent to scientific research;
Deepen knowledge in specialized areas;
Provide understanding on how to design experiences and respective methodology;
Encourage critical thinking and hypothesis formulation.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Jaime Gomes Ferreira da Silva Mota


Weekly - 6

Total - 4

Teaching language



Since this curricular unit requires a high sense of independence, it is intended for 3rd year students who already have a solid background in molecular biology and who have already been exposed to basic laboratory techniques.

 This curricular unit function in conjunction with the curricular unit Project in Cell and Moleular Biology.


Varies. Specific for each project. Articulated with the curricular unit of Project in Cell and Molecular Biology.

Teaching method

Laboratory work.

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment by the internship supervisor.
Parameters to be evaluated:
- Ability to integrate into the research team.
 - Ability to perform experimental and problem solving;
 - Assessment of learning and progression;
 - Ability to work independently and student initiative.
Articulated with the curricular unit Project in Cell and Molecular Biology.

Subject matter

Execution of an experimental work in a research team covering scientific areas of Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Computational Biology, or other related areas, with a level of complexity equivalent to that observed in the curricular units of the 3rd year of the course.

Articulated with the curricular unit of Project in Cell and Molecular Biology.


Programs where the course is taught: