General Organic Chemistry A
Background knowledge in Organic Chemistry for future Biomedical Engineers and Celular and Molecular Biology Graduates.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Elvira Maria Sardão Monteiro Gaspar
Weekly - 4
Total - 60
Teaching language
Basic knowledge in English.
Basic knowledge in Physics and general Chemistry.
Recommended book:
Organic Chemistry
de Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves e Stuart Warren
Oxford University Press
Teaching method
Face-to-face teaching.
Lectures on the board and application examples.
Resolution of exercises and application examples - TP classes.
Six practical classes, involving 4 different laboratory works.
Evaluation method
Método de avaliação:
- 75% theoretical component
- 25% practical component
- Minumum evaluation 9,5 val at both components
Evaluation of the theoretical component:
- 2 tests
Minimum grade in tests 8 values. Final weighted average greater than or equal
to 9.5 values.
Practical component evaluation:
1 - Mandatory presence in all laboratory classes -
2 - It is mandatory to have a laboratory notebook.
Quantitative evaluation of the practical component -
Arithmetic mean of 4 mini-tests. Minimum grade in each is 9.5 values.
Subject matter
1. Introduction. Strucure of organic compounds. Covalent bonds. Hybridisation. Resonance and aromaticity. Functional groups. Physical properties.
2. Reactivity in Organic Chemistry. Kinetics and thermodinamics. Reaction mechanisms. Acidity and basicity.
3. Saturated hydrocarbons. Isomerism, Conformational analysis. Radical reactions.
4. Stereochemistry.
5. Nucleophylic substitution and elimination reactions. Mechanisms snd rectivity.
6. Unsaturated hydrocarbons. Addition reactions. Reactions of aromatic compounds.
7. Carbonyl compounds.
Programs where the course is taught: