Animal Biology


The main objective of this discipline is the knowledge of evolution and animal diversity. In what concerns biodiversity, special attention is given to aspects such as morphology, anatomy and organism-environment relationships and adaptations

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Carlos David da Silva Oliveira dos Santos


Weekly - 4

Total - 56

Teaching language



it does not have


- “Life. The Science of Biology”. Sadava, D., Heller, D. M., Heller, H. C., Hacker, S.D.11ª edição. 2017. Sinauer Associates Inc., USA.

-”Integrated Principles of Zoology”. Hickman, C. P.H.Jr., Keen, S.L., Eisenhour, D.J., Larson, A., l’Anson, H. 17º edição (2017).  McGraw-Hill Education, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-259-56231-0

- "- “Fauna submarina atlântica”. Luiz Saldanha. 1980. Publicações Europa-América, s.d., Portugal.

Teaching method

Theoretical lectures include the exposition of theoretical contents of the different topics of the syllabus. Other tools will also be used such as Kahoots, video discussion. A final period of the lecture is reserved for interaction with students, discussions and revisions.

The practical component includes laboratory and field classes that allow the practical application of the knowledge acquired.

Evaluation method

The assessment will be continuous.

Theoretical and practical weight the same weight in the final classification (50%). The grade of each component must be ≥ 9.5 for final approval.

Theoretical Component (average of the 2 tests):

- 2 in-person tests

Practical Component

- two tests that will be presented with the tests for the theoretical component (40%)

- classroon pratical exercices (40%)

- oral presentation on the contents of a scientific article (20%)

Subject matter

Theoretical component:
Origin of life
History of animal life
Animal development
Origin and evolution of anatomical structures
Protostome Animals
Deuterostome Animals
Physiology (homeostasis and respiration)
Physiology (digestion and nervous system)
Distribution and Ecology

Theoretical component:
Taxonomy of large animal groups
Biodiversity inventories
Comparative anatomy of vertebrates and invertebrates
Biological sampling of wild animals
Mendelian Genetics
Population dynamics and evolution
Embryonic development in fish
Osmoregulation of Nereis diversicolor
Effect of Alcohol on Daphnia Heartbeat
Glucose metabolism


Programs where the course is taught: