Civil Appeals


To provide students with the legal system of civil appeals in 1st and 2nd instance, a both theoretical and practicalperspective. The future lawyers will know how to appeal a judicial decision and the future judges to decide.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Filipe Pires de Sousa, Abrantes Geraldes (STJ)


Weekly - 2

Total - 24

Teaching language



Not Applicable


Abrantes Geraldes, Recursos no Novo Código de Processo Civil, 2ª Edição Coimbra, Almedina, 2014

Armindo Ribeiro Mendes, Recursos em Processo Civil, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2009

Jaime Octávio Cardona Ferreira, Guia de Recursos em Processo Civil, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2014

Teaching method

The teaching will be theoretical and practical. There will be classes predominantly dominated by theoretical exposure andlessons devoted to the resolution of practical cases. Particular importance will be given to the analysis and discussion ofdecisions of the Portuguese higher courts in the matter of the course.

Evaluation method

final exam - 80%.

class participation - 20%

Subject matter

1. Appeals in Civil Procedure

2 The Ordinary Appeals - General Features

3 The Ordinary Appeal Proceedings

4 The Appeal in first instance

5 The Appeal in second instance

6 Extraordinary Appeals