Financing Sustainable Blue Economy and Integration of Policies and Development
a) Acquire a set of theoretical and empirical knowledge on the World Ocean Economy;
b) Assess quantitatively and qualitatively, the main maritime (ports and transports, tourism, ship construction and repair, etc.) and marine (fishing, renewable energies, seabed mining, etc.) economic sectors, at different geographical scales (worldwide, EU, main producers and consumers countries)
c) Learn analytical methodologies to assess maritime clusters¿ degree of success (distribution of activities, competitiveness, human development, governance, innovation). Case Studies.
d) Master the features of the main sources of financing for the maritime and marine sectors worldwide.
e) Know the EU's Integrated Maritime Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy, its priorities and key investment funding sources. Case Studies.
g) Understand the potential and threats to Portugal's ocean economy and assess the different policy alternatives.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Regina Salvador
Weekly - 2
Total - 24
Teaching language
Not Applicable
Cullinane, K. (2011, Ed.), International Handbook of Maritime Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Ma, Shuo (2021), Economic Maritime Business, Routledge Maritime Masters, Routledge.
Myles, Peter B. (2017), Maritime Clusters and the Ocean Economy, Routledge.
Rodrigue, J.P. et. al. (2009), The Geography of Transport Systems, 3rd.Ed., Routledge.
Stepford, M. (2009 3rd.edition), Maritime Economics, Routledge, Francis &Taylor
Teaching method
Teaching method
Theoretical-practical classes where emphasis is placed on conceptual explanation and analysis of case studies. Learning stakes on the teacher-student interaction. Classes also include explanation of techniques and their applications to the problems defined in the theoretical component.
Evaluation method
Individual writing of a text (about 20 pp.) 70%
Oral presentation of this text to the whole class, using a power-point and participatory methods 30%
Subject matter
(i) The World Maritime Economy.
(ii) The European Maritime Economy in the global context.
(iii) The Main Maritime Sectors (social, economic and geographical indicators; recent developments; future trends).
(iv) Maritime Clusters: different approaches and results. Case studies.
(v) The EU Integrated Maritime Policy: origin, principles, recent evolution, perspectives. The EU Maritime Basins Strategies.
(vi) The Common Fisheries Policy.
vii) The main sources of financing worldwide. Green and blue financing.
(viii) The EU Integrated Maritime Policy funding lines. Case studies.
(ix) The construction of 'Sea Satellite Accounts' and their importance for the analysis of the impact of investments.
(x) The Oceanic Economy of Portugal: evolution, investments, perspectives. Portugal and the EU Atlantic basin strategy.