European Law of the Sea


Students should be able to recognise, understand and discuss the different elements of the EU's Integrated Maritime Policy as the core element of an evolving EU Law of the Sea.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Vasco Becker-Weinberg


Weekly - 2

Total - 24

Teaching language



Not Applicable


  • ANDREONE, Gemma (ed.), The Future of the Law of the Sea (Springer Open: 2017) -
  • CASADO, Rafael Raigón (dir.), L¿Europe et la Mer (Bruylant: 2005)
  • CHURCHILL, Robin / OWEN, Daniel, The EC Common Fisheries Policy (OUP: 2010)
  • EECKHOUT, Piet, EU External Relations, 2nd edition (OUP: 2011)
  • GARCIA, M.ª da Glória, CORTÊS, António e ROCHA, Armando (coord.), Direito do Mar - Novas Perspetivas (Universidade Católica Editora: 2016)
  • GILEK, Michael / KERN, Christine (eds), Governing Europe's Marine Environment (Routledge: 2015)
  • LANGLET, David / MAHMOUD, Said, EU Environmental Law and Policy (OUP: 2016)
  • RIBEIRO, Marta Chantal, A Protecção da Biodiversidade Marinha (Coimbra Editora: 2013)

Teaching method

Interactive, encouraging Students' participation. External speakers may be invited, considering the relevance of the topic.

Evaluation method

Presentation of papers

Subject matter

I. Introduction

II. EU Law and EU Law of the Sea: a primer

  1. The EU's institutional system and the sharing of competences between the EU and Member States
  2. Main features of the EU legal order

III. Notion and evolution of the EU Law of the Sea

IV. Maritime environment and sustainable growth

V. The Integrated Maritime Policy: main features

  1. Maritime economy: Blue Growth and other economic dimensions
  2. Multissectorial and transnational features of the maritime economy
  3. Research & development (R&D) and the martime environment
  4. Management of the maritime space
  5. The protection of maritime ecossystems (short reference)
  6. Integrated maritime surveillance
  7. Strategies for the ocean basins
  8. Multilevel governance: national, EU and international