Port's Law and Shipping Management


  1. To understand how the shipping market works from the economic and   business perspectives, analysing the relationship amongst trading countries, industries, markets and technologies.
  2. To identify the legal frame applicable to port activity   and   to   the   various   intervening parties involved.
  3. To identify the legal frame of the "public maritime lands use" under ports jurisdiction. To analyse the concessions regime of the public service of cargo movement in ports areas and others documents that should legitimate the public and private use of public area.
  4. To identify the legal frame applicable to ports? operation and ports? labour and to analyse its evolutions, in particular, in last 50 years.
  5. To identify the guide lines of the European ports policy and the regulation of the ports sector, namely, in the rules for the market access of the ports services.
  6. To identify and to analyse the ports tariff system.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Vera Eiró, Duarte Lynce de Faria


Weekly - 2

Total - 24

Teaching language

Portuguese and English


Not Applicable


Branch, A. Edward, "Elements of Shipping", Routledge, 8th Edition, 2007.

Caldeirinha, Vitor (2007), "Textos sobre Gestão Portuária 1999/2006", Lisboa, Edição da Revista Cargo. Caldeirinha, Vitor (2011), "Textos sobre Gestão Portuária II", Lisboa, Edição da Revista Cargo.

DNV GL, "Container Ship Update" (Ultra-large container ships, feeder vessels, whipping simulation and more), 2016.

Dong-Wook Song, Photis Panayides, "Maritime Logistics: A Complete Guide to Effective Shipping and Port Management", Kogan Page Limited, 2012.

DREWRY, Maritime Research, "Container Forecaster", June 2017 (latest).

Levinson, M., "The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger", Princeton University Press, 2008.

Lima Torres, José (2001), "Legislação Portuária", Almedina, Coimbra, 640 pp.

Rocha, Amadeu (2005), "O papel da Administração Pública e o envolvimento do sector privado na gestão dos portos portugueses", Edição APDL - Administração dos Portos do Douro e Leixões, 168 pp.

Salvatore, D., "International Economics", 11th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2013.

Secretário de Estado Adjunto do Ministro do Equipamento, do Planeamento e da Administração do Território (1999), "Política Marítimo-Portuária Rumo ao Século XXI: Livro Branco", SEAMEPAT, Lisboa, 318 pp.

Secretaria de Estado dos Transportes (2006), "Orientações Estratégicas para o Sector Marítimo-Portuário", MOPTC, Lisboa, 168 pp. Secretaria de Estado das Infraestruturas, Transportes e Comunicações (2014), "Plano Estratégico dos Transportes e Infraestruturas, Horizonte 2014-2020 (PETI)", Governo de Portugal, Lisboa.

Sousa, João Figueira de (2003), Portos, Transportes Marítimos e Território, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, FCSH, Lisboa. Stopford, M., "Maritime Economics", 3rd Edition, Routledge, 2009.

Teaching method

The sessions will include presentation of the various issues on a theoretical point of view; some issues may be presented by specialists invited of the ports and maritime, transportation and logistics areas to give a more actual vision on the main developments and challenges to the legal frame applicable.

Teaching will include lectures and practical drills.

Evaluation method

Assessment will be based on a case study and its presentation (40%), an individual test (40%) and the class participation (20%) (a "regular class assessment", always laid down as grade ten or above).



Subject matter

  1. Presentation and objectives (1 hour).
  2. The organization of the shipping market (1 hour).
  3. Seaborne trade and bulk and liner transport systems (2 hours).
  4. Shipping market cycles and shipping risks (1 hour).
  5. Fundamentals of market economics: supply, demand and freight rate mechanisms (2 hours).
  6. Freight indices and derivatives (1 hour).
  7. Ship financing (1 hour).
  8. Port organization and management (2 hours).
  9. Intermodality and co-modality (1 hour).
  10. Main institutional frame of the ports activity and of the economic agents that interact in the ports area (3 hours).
  11. Main legal frame of the "public maritime lands use" under ports jurisdiction (2 hours).
  12. Main legal frame of ports "operation"and ports "labour" (2 hours).
  13. The guide lines of the European ports policy and the regulation of the ports sector (2 hours).
  14. Main legal frame of the ports tariff system (2 hours).
  15. Presentation by a port's board specialist and/or a port's visit (2 hours).
  16. Final conclusions (1 hour).