Copyright and Design Law


The course aims to introduce students to the world of international and European IP law by making them familiar with the theoretical foundations of the discipline, its key legal sources (international treaties, EU legislation, supranational and national case law), and relevant developments characterizing its most recent evolution.

By the end of the course, students are expected to

  • confidently navigate the international and European IP legal systems;
  • solve common copyright and design legal issues engaging with legislation and case law;
  • critically discuss IP-related questions and topics.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Giulia Priora


Weekly - 2

Total - 24

Teaching language



Available soon


WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook (2008 reprinting);

Justine Pila and Paul Torremans, European Intellectual Property Law (Oxford University Press, 2019, Second Edition), optional reading of research papers from JIPITEC, JIPLP, EIPR, IIC journals.

Teaching method

Lectures; in-class exercises of legal interpretation; moderated class discussions.

Evaluation method

The assessment will be based on a final exam that will amount to the 100% of the final grade.

  • FINAL EXAM (100%)

Students will sit on a 2-hour-long, open-book, questions-based final exam.

All exams will be checked for plagiarism. Where this is detected, a fail grade will be awarded. Students who fail the exam will be offered the possibility to re-take it. Students with special needs (e.g., medical needs, visual impairments or disabilities, maternity needs) are encouraged to reach out to Prof. Giulia at the beginning of the course to arrange together a fitting assessment method.

Subject matter

Session 1: Introduction: foundations of IP theory

Session 2: Copyright law: subject matter and acquisition

Session 3: Copyright law: duration and scope of protection

Session 4: Copyright law: exploitation and contracts

Session 5: Copyright law: public domain, exceptions & limitations

Session 6: Copyright law: enforcement and remedies

Session 7: Design law: subject matter and acquisition

Session 8: Design law: duration, scope and exploitation

Session 9: Case law analysis

Session 10: Case law analysis

Session 11: Case law analysis

Session 12: Q&A discussion