Oral Presentation for Attorneys


In this discipline students will have the opportunity to practice and strengthen their oral communication skills, developing some oral communication techniques transversal to the various branches of knowledge, using oral and physicality tools, and developing, in another phase, these techniques and tools in two contexts related to the practice of advocacy in the meeting room and the courtroom.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Rui Patrício


Weekly - 2

Total - 24

Teaching language



Not Applicable


Barros, Ema Sá. Ars loquendi. A sua prática na advocacia, Almedina 2010.
Bishop, R. D. and Kehoe, E: G. (eds.).  The art of advocacy in international arbitration, 2.ª ed., Juris Publishing 2010.
Khaneman, Daniel. Rápido e Devagar: duas Formas de Pensar. Rio de Janeiro:Objetiva, 2011.
Mcburney, James Howard. Argumentation & debate. Techniques of a free society, Macmillan 1964.
Napley, David. Technique of Persuasion. Sweet & Maxwell; 2Rev e. edition (Jun. 1975).
Read, D. Shane. Winning at trial, LexisNexis 2007.
Rodríguez, Victor Gabriel. Argumentação jurídica. Técnicas de persuasão e lógica informal, São Paulo 2005.
Silva, José Vigário. Comunicação, lógica e retórica forenses, Porto 2004.
¿Faces da Retórica¿ (E-book), Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Judiciários , 1a. edição 2017 , ISBN 978-989-8815-70.5 (available in: www.cej.mj.pt)

Teaching method

The lessons are based on the permanent dialogue between the teacher, his guests and the students. This discipline is eminently practical, focused on the oral performance of the lawyer. In this sense, the sharing of aspects based on the serialization of factual matters, the preparation of audiences, elaboration of requirements and simulation of final audiences extracted from the practical cases developed in the classroom complement, in a rich symbiosis, with the situations of production evidence, inquiries and counter-inquiries and other aspects of litigation in court, typical procedural acts in which the advocacy technique, especially oral communication, stands out. In order to achieve this dedication to the aforementioned legal contexts, it is essential to collaborate with some experts, experienced bar advocates, training sessions and audience simulation sessions.

Evaluation method

The evaluation is continuous, resulting from the weighting of the work developed during the semester (50%) and the classification obtained in the simulations organised at the end of that period (50%).

Subject matter

1. Introduction
2. Development of orality techniques as communication tools. Narration techniques. Improvisation techniques on the scene. Development of trust and the ability to create empathy with the public and other actors in the adversarial, judicial and decision-making arena.
3. Development of oral communication techniques in legal context. Legal consultation: the development of the relationship with the client. Contact with the Social Communication.
4. The courtroom. Development of oral communication techniques in court. The importance of good preparation. The examination of witnesses and experts. Differences between inquiries and counter-inquiries. Introductory statements and oral arguments (de facto and de jure).
5. The art of well-being: practical exercises of orality in a simulated context of meeting rooms and audiences.


Programs where the course is taught: