Scientific Communication


At the end of the course the students should be able to:
1. Use different tools during the preparation of scientific communications.
2. Identify the sections of a research paper, poster, thesis or an essay.
3. Write effectively, concisely, and clearly scientific manuscripts for further publication.
4. Select the most appropriate information to be transmitted in oral communication.
5. Perform oral presentations.
6. Constructively critique of scientific communications, including self-criticism.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Gabriela Santos-Gomes


Weekly - 12

Total - 28

Teaching language



Not applicable


• Mason P, Wright P and Luu N H. Writing and Publishing a Scientific Article. 90pg.
• Scientific writing and publishing results. Tropical Biology Association, UK. 14pg.
• Bourne PE. 2007. Ten simple rules for making good oral presentations. PLoS Comput Biol. 3(4): e77.

Teaching method

- Lectures.
- Projects.
- Seminars.

Evaluation method

The evaluation of learning outcomes (practice-based assessment) will take into account:
1. The participation and the quality of student interventions during classes.
2. Performance in the preparation of seminars and projects.
3. The level of success at the conclusion of papers and posters.

Subject matter

I. Scientific Communication. Technical aspects. Use of scientific databases. Word processing, Preparation and presentation of tables and images (graphs, figures). PowerPoint.
II. Oral presentations: lab meetings, presentations, seminars.
III. Scientific writing of reports, theses and essays.
IV. Structure, content and design of posters.
V. Structure and content of research papers (full papers, review papers). Citations and reference list. Publication ethics. Submission process.
VI. Methodology of scientific evaluation. Self-evaluation.


Programs where the course is taught: