Financial Reporting
The course seeks to embrace and characterize the financial sector (banking and insurance) and non-financial (companies) in terms of accounting and regulatory norms. Additionally, we address the main aspects related to the structure and content of financial statements, as well as the recognition and measurement criteria for assets, liabilities, and equity instruments.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Fábio Henrique Ferreira de Albuquerque
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English
Bessis, J. (2010). Risk Management in Banking., 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons.; Cuthbertson, K. e Nitzsche, D. (2001), Investments, Spot and Derivative Markets, John Wiley & Sons.; ALMEIDA, Rui M.P., ALMEIDA, Maria do Céu, DIAS, Ana Isabel, ALBUQUERQUE, Fábio, CARVALHO, Fernando, PINHEIRO, Pedro, (2010) ¿SNC Casos Práticos e Exercícios Resolvidos¿, (Volumes I e II), ATF ¿ Edições Técnicas, Lisboa.; ALMEIDA, Rui M.P., DIAS, Ana Isabel, ALBUQUERQUE, Fábio, CARVALHO, Fernando, PINHEIRO, Pedro, (2010), ¿SNC Explicado¿, (2ª Edição), ATF ¿ Edições Técnicas, Lisboa.; EPSTEIN, Barry J. & JERMAKOWICZ, Eva K. (2010), ¿IFRS ¿ Interpretation and Application of International Financial Reporting Standards¿, Wiley.
Teaching method
- Expositional and Questioning Method Active Methods and Case Studies
- Investigation projects and practical applications.
- Knowledge development and learning capability.
Evaluation method
Exam 1:
- Group Work Assignments (50% of final grade)
- Individual final written exam (50% of final grade, with a minimum grade of 8/20)
Exam 2
- Group Work Assignments (35% of final grade)
- Individual final written exam (65% of final grade, with a minimum grade of 8/20)
Note: Individual final written exam will be computed at 100% for those cases in which students did not have assessment through group work activities at all.
Subject matter
The learning units are proposed as follows:
LU1.The accounting standards: International accounting harmonization, the national accounting standard
LU2.The reporting of non-financial corporations: The structure and content of financial statements; Complete set of financial statements, Presentation of individual financial statements; disclosures; Events after the balance sheet date; Changes in accounting policies, changes in estimates, and errors
LU3.Recognition and measurement of assets, liabilities, and equity: Nonfinancial assets; Investments; Provisions in the nonfinancial sector; Liabilities for post-employment benefits and Other related standards: Brief notions.
LU4.Off-balance sheet items: Contingent assets and liabilities of non-financial corporations
LU5.The reporting of financial corporations: The structure and content of financial statements; Disclosures; mandatory disclosure requirements, the reporting of risk: Identification and quantification.
LU6.Standards and regulatory requirements and oversight mechanisms: European architecture of financial supervision, Solvency II, Basel III.
LU7.Analysis, valuation and Risk Management of Financial Instruments: Classification of financial assets and liabilities, complex financial products, banking, and insurance products, methods of fair value computation; Derivative financial instruments: characterization, pricing models (forward contracts/futures, FRAs, options Plain vanilla / exotic options, swaps); Pricing fixed/floating rate instruments; Analysis of profitability and risk; contingent assets and liabilities of financial corporations.
Programs where the course is taught:
- Specialization in Information Analysis and Management
- Specialization in Risk Analysis and Management
- PostGraduate in Information Analysis and Management
- PostGraduate Risk Analysis and Management
- Postgraduate Program in Statistical Systems with a specialization in Central Banks
- Postgraduate Program in Statistical Systems with a specialization in Official Statistics