National Accounts


The conception and set up of a system of accounts, at macroeconomic level, presents several potentialities allowing for comparisons across time and space. It is a complete, integrated and consistent set of accounts that allows for the recording of economic operations and activities that occur between the different institutional sectors of a given economy and, at the same time, between that economy and the rest of the world. The aim of the course is to present the theoretical concepts and the framework provided by the system of national accounts, namely, the System of National Accounts 2008 and the European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Union 2010. The practical application of the concepts to concrete cases will also be presented and discussed.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paula Alexandra Lourenço de Menezes


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English


Not applicable


Principal; System of National Accounts 2008 – 2008 SNA and The European System of Regional and National Accounts (ESA 2010); Banco de Portugal, Methodological changes: ESA 2010 and BPM6; Eurostat Manual on the Changes between ESA95 and ESA2010 - 2014 edition; Manual on Government Deficit and Debt - Implementation of ESA 2010 - 2014 edition

Teaching method

The course will be delivered through presentations. Whenever possible, teachers will take advantage of audiovisual support and examples. Theoretical lectures are foreseen for the presentation of concepts and methods that integrate the content of the course as well as discussion of concrete cases and practical application of the concepts.

Evaluation method

[Option 1] Case study #1: 30% AND Case study #2: 30% AND 2nd test: 40%

In order to have final approval the student cannot have less than 8/20 in any of the above. The test covers the topics from classes 6 to 14.




[Option 2] Final exam (2nd period only): 100%


The final grade will be the maximum grade between the average of (case study #1, case study #2 and test) and the final exam.


Minimum for approval: 10/20.

Subject matter

Structure of the course and references to the relevant SNA2008 and ESA2010 chapters


I – Introduction and main concepts


I.1. Overview

a. Use and importance of national accounts

b. Main concepts


SNA2008: chap. 1; chap. 2; chap. 16

ESA2010: chap. 1; chap. 8; chap. 23; chap. 24


I. 2. Overview of the sequence of accounts (non-financial and financial accounts)

a. Institutional units and sectors

b. Accounting rules


SNA2008: chap. 3; chap. 4; chap. 13; chap. 15; chap. 18; chap 21

ESA2010: chap. 1; chap. 2; chap. 10; chap. 21


II – The non-financial accounts


II.1. The sequence of accounts

  1. The production account


SNA2008: chap. 6; chap. 14; chap. 28

ESA2010: chap. 3; chap. 9


  1. Distribution, redistribution and use of income accounts


SNA2008: chap. 7; chap. 8; chap. 9

ESA2010: chap.4


  1. The capital account
  2. New phenomena and deepening analyses


SNA2008: chap. 10; chap. 13; chap. 29

ESA2010: chap. 3; chap. 4; chap. 7; chap. 22


III – The financial accounts


III.1. Assets and liabilities, balancing items and identities  


III.2. Stocks and flows: valuation of assets and liabilities, reconciling stocks and flows, vertical consistency


III.3. From whom-to-whom financial account, horizontal consistency


SNA2008: chap. 11; chap. 12; chap. 13; chap. 17.4; chap.27

ESA2010: chap. 5; chap. 6; chap. 7; chap. 18


IV – Government finance statistics


IV.1. Overview


IV.2. Recording of government transactions


SNA2008: chap. 22

ESA2010: chap. 20