Business Management
The course is based on the premise that knowledge about business management is essential for creating successful, competitive organizations, adding business value, effectively and efficiently, with and through people. The main purpose is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the theoretical as well as practical aspects of management. Students will learn how important it is to learn business management and gain knowledge about planning, organizing, leading, and controlling business activities that are required to manage and run a business efficiently.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Carlos Tam Chuem Vai
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English
Not aplicable
"SNC Manual de Contabilidade" 2ª edição - Eusébio Pires da Silva e Ana Catarina Pires da Silva / Rei dos Livros; "Contabilidade e Finanças para a Gestão" -4ª edição -António Borges e Azevedo Rodrigues/ àrea Editora; Elementos de Contabilidade Geral" 26ª edição - António Borges, Azevedo Rodrigues e Rogério Rodrigues / Áreas Editora; "Gestão Empresarial" Nuno Reis, Tânia Marques, Manuel Portugal Ferreira e João Carvalho Santos / Edições Lidel.; "Controlo de Gestão , Samuel Pereira / Escolar Editora
Teaching method
A lectures and pratical work.
Evaluation method
continuous assessement, mini tests and final exame.
Subject matter
Management, functions of management and enterprise;
Company organization, strutures of management and control systems;
Principles of corporation accounting - balance sheet and incame statement;
strategic planning - business strategies and analysis tools;
Management control;
Leadership and management companies;
Ethics and social responsability.
Programs where the course is taught: