Information Management Systems


The course is based on the premise that knowledge about information systems (IS) is essential for creating successful, competitive firms, for adding business value, and for providing useful products and services to customers.

The main purpose is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the theoretical as well as practical aspects of IS, particularly, how it fits into an overall corporate strategy.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Tiago André Gonçalves Félix de Oliveira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English




Laudon, K. C., Laudon, J. P.: Management Information Systems 13/e, Prentice Hall, 2013; O’Brien, J. A., Marakas, G. M.: Management Information Systems, 10th Ed., McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2011; Turban, E., Volonino, L.: Information Technology for Management: Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy, 7th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2010; 0; 0

Teaching method

The curricular unit is based primarily on theoretical and practical lessons. These sessions include presentation of concepts and methodologies, solving examples, discussion and interpretation of results. A set of assignments to be completed independently in extra-classroom context are also proposed. A seminar work should also be undertaken in groups.

Evaluation method

- Team seminar works (papers) - optional
- Final examination

Subject matter

1. Information Systems in Business
2. Global E-Business and Collaboration
3. Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy
4. IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies
5. Foundation of Business Intelligence
6. Telecommunications and Wireless Technology
7. Securing Information Systems
8. Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise Applications
9. E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods
10. Managing Knowledge
11. Enhancing Decision Making
12. Building Information Systems
13. Managing Projects