Public Economics


The course covers the main goals, areas and tools of government intervention in the economy, from a microeconomic viewpoint. 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paulo Côrte-Real


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Mandatory precedence: - 1100. Principles of Microeconomics


Jonathan Gruber (2016), Public Finance and Public Policy, Worth Publishers, 5th edition (recommended)

William Thomson (2007), ¿Fair Allocation Rules¿, Rochester Center for Economic Research Working Paper 539. (additional) 

Teaching method

Each week there will be two lectures (1.5 hours each) and a practical session (1.5 hours). In addition to attending these sessions, students are expected to conduct group work and to also complete individual assignments

Evaluation method

The final grade is based on:

A Final Exam

B Midterm (compulsory)

C Group + Individual Assignments: two Group assignments will be worth 50% of C; an individual assignment will account for the remaining 50%.

The final grade will be 0.5A + 0.25B + 0.25C if A > 8.0; A if A < 8.0

Subject matter

1 Introduction: the goals of government intervention (Ch 1)

2 Redistribution and Fairness

2-1 Utility-based fairness criteria (Ch 2)

2-2 Preference-based fairness criteria (Thomson)

3 Externalities and Public Goods

3-1 Externalities (Ch 5-6)

3-2 Public Goods (Ch 7)

3-3 Mixed Goods (Ch 11)

3-4 Collective decision-making (Ch 9)

4 Social Insurance

4-1 Benefits and Costs of Insurance (Ch 12)

4-2 Social Security (Ch 13)

4-3 Unemployment Insurance and Poverty-Alleviation Programs (Ch 14, 17)

4-4 Health Insurance (Ch 15)

5 Taxation

5-1 Equity implications of taxation (Ch 19)

5-2 Efficiency implications of taxation (Ch 20) 


Programs where the course is taught: