Competition Policy


The objective of this course is to apply microeconomic concepts and tools to the issues of Competition Policy. Besides the theoretical analysis of the questions involved, attention will be devoted to policy issues, and to the approaches followed in the EU and Portugal. Some knowledge of market interaction / game theory is helpful. Students may take refresh readings as indicated below. 


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Pita Barros


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Massimo Motta, 2004, Competition Policy ? Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press. 

Teaching method

Students should read proposed documents prior to the class in order to participate actively in the class discussion. The course will have a mix of ex-cathedra sessions, class discussions and take-home problem-solving questions.  

Evaluation method

 Final exam (F) ? 40% (a minimum grade of 8 in the exam is required). Assignments (A) ? 25% each, 3 assignments will have to be delivered. The worst 15% of your grade will be discarded. The final grade , G, is obtained, before adjustment for participation in class, as G=0,4 F + 0,25 A1 + 0,25 A2 + 0,25 A3 ? 0,15 min {A1, A2, A3}.

Subject matter

Competition Policy: legal aspects. Market Power and welfare. Definition of relevant markets. Market Dominance. Collusion. Leniency. Vertical restraints Horizontal mergers. Predatory strategies.