

The objective of this course is to start from basic concepts of derivatives and develop an understanding of the role and practical use of options as a financial instrument, especially in the context of Corporate Finance. The course discusses hedging and pricing of options using both the discrete and continuous- time (Black and Scholes approach). We then relate these techniques to corporate finance applications such as the valuation of investment opportunities, as well as the design of corporate debt instruments.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Manuel Gonçalves Amaro de Matos


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





John Hull, Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, U.S.A. 8th edition, 2012.

Jarrow and Chatterjea, Derivative Securities, Financial Markets and Risk Management, Norton, New York, 2013.

Teaching method

The teaching method is based on lectures, 2 per week. Students are required to solve online a list of exercises every week regarding the topics discussed in class during that week. At the end there is an applied case study to be solved, where students should make use of the material of the course. A final and short comprehensive exam is made at the end.

Evaluation method

Weekly online exercises (average grade E)

Case Studies (average grade C)

Final exam (grade F)

Final grade will be 0.5F+0.3C+0.2E 

Subject matter

- State Prices and Derivatives Valuation: Recovering the Binomial Model;
- Valuing Options with Stochastic Volatility and Term Structure of Interest Rates; 

- Valuing Options in N periods and the  Continuous-Time Limit;
- Valuing American Options and Options on Dividend-Paying Assets;

- The Black-Scholes Model and its Properties;
- Equity and Corporate Debt Representations as Options;

- Real Options;
- Dynamic Delta Hedging and the Greeks;

- Principles of Simulation;
- Exotic Options;
- Discrete-Time Models for Options on Interest Rates;

- Case study’s presentations.