Brand Management


WARNING: This Course has been created for students with previous knowledge or/and working experience in Marketing*. The Brand Management Course involves a Branding consulting project for Unilever that requires availability , skills in Marketing, and interest for the Fast-Moving Consuming Goods Sector.

* through at least one previous Course in Marketing or/and Sales, in the Undergraduate or Graduate programs or/and previous working experience related to the Marketing area (e.g., Internship, Summer Job, professional experience in Marketing, Strategy, Sales or Communication).

The Course offers a balanced approach to Brand Management, combining theory and practice, for students who aim to work in Marketing, Sales, Advertising, Communication or Strategy. Unilever is our partner for this Course. Students develop a branding consulting project for a brand from Unilever Portugal, using the Branding concepts presented in the Lectures. The project consists in addressing a brand current challenge (presented by Unilever at the beginning of the Course).

Examples of challenges from previous year:

HELLMANN?S: How to establish the Hellmann's brand purpose (Make taste not waste) in the Portuguese market?

LIPTON: How to develop the "Green tea" concept in the ice tea category, through the brand Lipton? 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Catherine Therese Laurence Jouven da Silveira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Main bibliography:

Aaker, David A. - Building Strong Brands, 2002, Free Press Business.

Kapferer, Jean-Noël - The New Strategic Brand Management, 5th edition, 2012, Kogan Page (Essential).

Keller, Kevin Lane & Aperia, Tony & Georgson, Mats - Strategic Brand Management, A European perspective, 2nd Edition, 2012, Prentice Hall (Essential).

Additional bibliography:
• De CHERNATONY, Leslie. From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation, 3rd Edition, 2010, Butterworth –Heinemann / Elsevier;
• REIMAN, Joey. The story of Purpose – The path to creating a brighter brand, a greater company, and a lasting legacy, 2013, Wiley;
• KLEIN, Naomi. No Logo, 2000, Flamingo- Harper Collins Publishers;
• SHARP, Byron. How brands grow, Part 1, 2010, Oxford University Press;
• SHARP, Byron & ROMANIUK, Jenni. How brands grow, Part 2, 2016, Oxford University Press;
• SILVERSTEIN, Michael J. & FISKE, Neil. Trading up, 2005, Portfolio and Treasure Hunt, Inside the Mind of the New Consumer, 2006, Portfolio.

Additional bibliography:

De Chernatony, Leslie. From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation, 3rd Edition, 2010, Butterworth – Heinemann / Elsevier.

Reiman, Joey. The story of Purpose – The path to creating a brighter brand, a greater company, and a lasting legacy, 2013, Wiley.

Klein, Naomi. No Logo, 2000, Flamingo- Harper Collins Publishers.

Sharp, Byron. How brands grow, Part 1, 2010, Oxford University Press.

Sharp, Byron & Romaniuk, Jenni. How brands grow, Part 2, 2016, Oxford University Press.

Silverstein, Michael J. & Fiske, Neil

Trading up, 2005, Portfolio;

Treasure Hunt, Inside the Mind of the New Consumer, 2006, Portfolio;

Other resources:

Course power point slides will be available on the Class web page/Moodle a few days before each class;

Additional Material [Readings, Practical cases…] will be available on the same web page.

Teaching method

The Course includes 2 different types of Classes:

In-Class Lectures and Discussions organized to explore the essential Branding knowledge as well as to provide the appropriate tools to conduct the Team Project.

Team Project Sessions , where students are required to present a predetermined part of their Project teamwork. The Course Instructor and the Teaching Assistant provide feedback during the Session. Four one-hour on-campus Team Sessions are scheduled during the Semester. Team Session attendance is mandatory.

Besides the Team Sessions, Groups can meet if necessary their Teaching Assistant during their Office Hour by appointment [Students should book in advance via e-mail] 

Evaluation method

Team Project: 70%

Final Exam (Mandatory): 30% (Minimal grade of 8,5 is required)

The general rules of the NOVA School of Business and Economics apply in case of academic dishonesty and in any situation not foreseen in the above. 

Subject matter

  • Introduction to the main Brand Concepts:

    What is a brand ?;

    How brands create (or not) value for the consumer?;

  • Measuring Brand Performance:

    Introduction to Marketing Research techniques used in Brand Equity and Brand Image analysis How to measure Brand Equity?;

    How to measure Brand Awareness and Brand Image?;

  • Branding Challenges and Opportunities:

    What’s on? What’s next ?;

  • Brand Identity:

    Introduction to the main Brand Identity models currently in use in the Industry and in the academic literature;

  • Brand Positioning:

    Analysis of the main Positioning processes currently in use in the Industry;

  • Brand Strategy:

    Brand Portfolio Brand Architecture Brand Extensions;

  • Brand Building and Brand Management:

    Defining Brand Elements;

    Designing Brand Marketing Programs;

    Designing Brand Communication Programs.


Programs where the course is taught: