Corporate Social Responsibility
This course aims to discuss the main tenets of corporate social responsibility as a central aspect of corporate strategy, while addressing the importance and challenges of ethical leadership in this context.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Maria Loureiro Rodrigues
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
The following book is recommended:
Haski-Leventhal, D. (2018). Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Tools and Theories for Responsible Management. SAGE
Caradonna, J. L. (2014). Sustainability: A history. Oxford University Press
Further bibliography will be provided in advance of classes. A full list is being prepared and will be shared in due time.
Teaching method
The course follows a ?flipped class-room? approach. Material and videos including key theoretical concepts will be provided in advance of each class. Themes of online material include ethics, stakeholder management, social innovation, and responsible leadership. While it include cases to stimulate class discussion and reflection upon the challenges and strategies of CSR in practice, guests speakers will talk about their real experiences working in this field.
Evaluation method
Assessment Group work (50%):
Each group will have to choose 2 companies from the same industry to analyse and present a good and a bad sustainability management practice. The focus will be on presenting the companies? current CSR assessment in the context of their industry, their challenges and how they are tackling them, and provide a clear contrast between the two considering the theories and themes covered during the course. Each group records a 10-minute presentation and uploads it on moodle before class 5 (date to be announced in class). A youtube link is just fine. (25% of the grade). Each group must watch the other groups? videos and submit 1 question per video , on moodle, by (date to be announced in class) (10% of the grade). A shorter 5 minutes in class presentation (last class) will briefly introduce the group work, and assess the questions on moodle and in class. Groups can aggregate similar questions. (15% of the grade).
Final exam (50%):
Based on a current news article (s) (provided 3 days before the exam), you should answer one or two CSR related questions (provided in the exam).
Subject matter
The history of the sustainability movement
The role of business in society
Ethical and responsible leadership
Management theories and sustainability
The dilemmas and paradoxes of social responsibility
Stakeholder theory and management
Sustainable business models
Sustainability and impact assessment: frameworks
Sustainable and shared value creation
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Sustainability management practices
Programs where the course is taught: