Management of Non-Profit Organizations


Starting with a review of the state of the art of the NFPO sector, its challenges and trends, this course aims to integrate the main management concepts and tools that NFPO need to respond to current societal problems to build sustainability.

The course is designed to hold Conceptual & Practical Modules, debates, Q&A session with professional in the field and a full class feedback session for Group Assignment, for students to consolidate their learning, practice and excellent group work before submission. Following a Project-Based Learning approach, the course is structured around the main dimensions of NFPO management and offers students the possibility to understand, practice and discuss in class the main aspects that make these organizations maximize their impact within the current VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguity) context. As part of the school policies on the Sustainable Development Goals, and the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the Management of Non Profit course strives to incorporate the SDGs principles in the debates, content and assignments. 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Silvia López Herrero


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Anheier, H. (2000) Managing NonProfit Organisations: Towards a New Approach. Civil Society Working Paper 1.

Barned, J. (2009) Financial Management of Not For Profit Organisations. Guide CPA Australia.

Campos Franco, R., Wojciech Sokolowski, S., Hairel, E. and Salamon, L. (2004), 'The Portuguese Nonprofit Sector in Comparative Perspective'. Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Johns Hopkins University.

Dees, G. (1998) Enterprising Nonprofits. Harvard Business Review.

Ebrahim, A. and Rangan, V. (2010) The Limits of Nonprofit Impact: A Contingency Framework for Measuring Social Performance. Harvard Business School Working Paper.

Foster, W., Kim, P. and Christiansen, B. (2009) Ten Nonprofit Funding Models. Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Glaeser, E. (2003) Introduction to 'The Governance of Not For Profit Organizations'. University of Chicago Press.

Graham, J. and Kinmond, M. (2008) Literature Review of Nonprofit Best Practices in Governance and Management. Institute On Governance Paper Series.

Hager, M. and Brudney, J. (2004) Volunteer Management Practices and Retention of Volunteers. The Urban Institute.

Hannum, K. et al. (2011) Emerging Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations: Myths, Meaning, and Motivations. Center for Creative Leadership.

Lewis, A. (2002), Nonprofit Organizational Assessment Tool. Society for Nonprofit Organizations.

London Business School (2004) Measuring Social Impact: The Foundation of Social Return on Investment (SROI). NEF.

Mittenthal, R. (2002) Ten Keys to Successful Strategic Planning for Nonprofit and Foundation Leaders. TCC Group Briefing Paper.

Pope, J., Isely, E. and Asamoa-Tutu, F. (2009) Developing a Marketing Strategy for Nonprofit Organizations: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 21:2, 184-201.

Ronchetti, J. (2006) An Integrated Balanced Scorecard Strategic Planning Model for Nonprofit Organizations. Journal of Practical Consulting.

Sheehan, R. (2005) What is Nonprofit Strategy ? Working Paper prepared for the 34th Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action

Things, D. (2010) Partnerships: Frameworks for Working Together. Strengthening Nonprofits: A Capacity Builder’s Resource Library.


The course will have a Moodle page that is organized by topics and in each of them you will have a set  of  “Resource”  which  will  include  key  readings,  tools  and  methodologies to support  and complement the course goals. The Moodle will be also used to disseminate information about the course as well as the lecture’s presentation. Moodle can be accessed via desktop, tablet or mobile, to work on your Course anytime and anywhere.

Teaching method

The combination of teaching methods such as case studies, short videos, class discussions and presentations wishes to foster the learning space and critical analysis and seeks to promote students ability to develop and apply their management skills to the nonprofit sector. Classroom participation is expected and required.

Evaluation method

By completing the class practical work after every class, the course intends to help students manage their workload over the course and have a more effective learning experience. To reinforce the learning journey and quality of the group assignment, a whole class (week 6) will be devoted to students sharing their work in progress and get feedback before their final submission. 

Group Work ( 5 0%)

35% final report. 15% in class work (see details on the group assignment and deliverables on ?Course Unit Content? section.  

Subject matter

Welcome to the course

The Social Economy sector, new trends and challenges, the role of SDGs

Introduction to the Course

Value Creation Management & Strategic Management

Practice : System Mapping & Value Creation Strategy

Impact Assessment & Performance Management tools

Practice : Systemic Solution & ToSC

Partnerships, Stakeholder Management & Collaborative Processes

Practice : Stakeholders Mapping & Collaboration Strategy

Sustainability & Governance / Marketing & Communication / Human Capital Model

Group Presentations & Course Wrap up