Cross-Cultural Issues for Marketing
This is an introductory course to global marketing that examines the role of culture when managers decide to market beyond the domestic market. The course adds the cultural variable to consumer behavior, strategy, and marketing communications.
By focusing on the cultural variable in global marketing as well as in developing individual students? cultural awareness and sensitivity, we can attain the goal of understanding the cultural variable impact on marketing managers decision making process across cultures.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Carmen Lages
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Usunier, J. C., Lee, J. A., & Lee, J. (2012). Marketing across cultures. Pearson Education.
Hampden-Turner, C., Trompenaars, F., & Hampden-Turner, C. (2020). Riding the waves of culture: Understanding diversity in global business. Hachette UK.
Keegan, W. J., & Green, M. C. (2015). Global Marketing, Global Edition . Pearson Education UK.
Teaching method
The learning methods most suitable for this course are:
• the method learning-by-examples (demonstration)
• learning-by-doing (practice by doing)
• learning-by-teaching [teach other(s)]
• learning-by-debating (after video visualization or text reading)
• learning by playing (game and role playing)
Evaluation method
50% - Class Contribution and Exercises
25% Group Work (in-class case study discussion & resolution)
25% Individual Work (such as flash essay, individual contribution for two in-class case study discussions, exercises)
50% - Final exam
Individual case study resolution + question about course content
Subject matter
Programs where the course is taught: