Advanced Topics in Human Resources Management
Everything within an organization gets done through people. The global economy transformed the composition of the workforce, as well as the relationship between employees and employers, in order to have a fast response to the needs of new markets. To effectively manage a more diverse workforce and achieve organizational success often requires a technology based solution. Managers face the challenge of effectively motivating and engaging their work teams to implement the organizational strategy. The Advanced Topics in HRM course broadly focuses on the implications of globalization and digitalization on the nature, design, and future of managing people in organizations, work, careers, organizational and individual well-being, so that human resources may be an important source of sustainable competitive advantage.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Helena Martins
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Brenda L Berkelaar (2017) Different ways new information technologies influence conventional organizational practices and employment relationships: The case of cybervetting for personnel selection, Human Relations, Vol. 70(9) 1115-1140.
Boudreau, J. W. & Ramstad, P. M. (2002). Strategic HRM measurement in the 21st century: From justifying HR to strategic talent leadership (CAHRS Working Paper #02 to 15). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations: 1-20
Cable, D & Vermeulen, F. (2018) Making work meaningful: A Guide of a leader, McKinsey Quarterly, October 2018.
Castilla, E. (2016) Achieving Meritocracy in the Workplace, MIT Sloan Management Revue, Summer:34-41
Chowdhury,S., Schaninger, B. & Hioe, E. (2018) "Harnessing the power of performance management", McKinsey & Company
Craig, E. & DeSimone, L. (2011) What Executives Really Need to Know about Employee Engagement, Accenture Institute for High Performance: 1-27
Teaching method
This course will be taught in the 'blended' format - for each week of our course, you will have a Face to Face class and a set of asynchronous contents. There is no text book, since the material to be covered is very recent. Instead, articles will be used. The presence in the face to face class is therefore critical to the learning process. There will not be a participation criterion for evaluation. I leave participation and attendance to the students responsibility. However, I am expecting students to be ready to ask questions and discuss the topics that will be presented, by me or by your colleagues, as well as participate in the assignments included in the asynchronous part.
Evaluation method
Group assignment to the assynchronous sections 10%
Group report on case study (5 pages max.) 20%
Group article presentation 20%
Individual Exam (mandatory) 50%
Subject matter
Introduction to course and to HRM;
The role of the HRM function – revision of basic concepts;
The 21st century workforce – management challenges;
Employee Attraction;
Recent trends in recruitment;
Recent trends in recruitment;
Performance Management – Performance Appraising;
Managing Diversity;
Delivery and Discussion of case study: To be defined;
Independent work
HRM as process;
Case Study Discussion
Summary and Wrap-up ;
Final Exam.
Programs where the course is taught: