

This course offers a strategic and integrated perspective about how to prepare and how to deal with different types of negotiating situations. The first part of the course focuses on competitive bidding. The remainder of the course deals with bargaining proper. Building from simple to complex negotiations, the course develops an analytical framework that helps participants to understand their negotiating situation, the tactics that are available given the situation, and the array of moves that can be employed to improve their prospects by changing the situation.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Almeida Costa


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





R. Fisher and W. Ury, Getting to Yes, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 2012.

H. Raiffa (with J. Richardson and D. Metcalfe), Negotiation Analysis – The Science and Art of Collaborative Decision Making, The Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 2007.

Cases and additional readings are available online or distributed in class. Confidential instructions for different players required in some of the negotiation exercises will be distributed throughout the course.

Teaching method

The course develops the negotiation skills of participants through a carefully controlled combination of lectures , class discussions and negotiation exercises. 


Evaluation method

Negotiation exercises:

  • Negotiated outcomes: 20%

  • Negotiating process: 20%

  • Class participation: 10%

  • Final exam (closed book): 50%

Independently of the grades obtained in the negotiation exercises and in the Write-Up, in order to pass this course participants must have a grade of at least 9 out of 20 in the final exam.

Course grades are final and not negotiable.

Subject matter

Identify and understand different types of negotiating situations;

Know how to prepare a negotiation;

Know how to deal with different types of negotiating situations.

Develop the participants' negotiation skills;

Develop the participants' ability to work in teams;

Develop the participants' ability to apply the different concepts, models and frameworks to the analysis of real life situations.