Digital Strategy and Transformation
Key digital concepts
Personal transformation and change
Digital strategy and transformation
The main technological trends and their impact in society as a whole
The impact of technology on society 360º approach to social issues
General characterization
Responsible teacher
David Bernardo Ferreira Santo
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
"The knight in rusty armor" by Robert Fisher
- Articles by the professor, you can find some at (in portuguese)
- TEDx Talk by professor:
Teaching method
The experience can be sometimes less traditional when compared to other courses and not for everyone. Several of the topics discussed in class don't have exact answers yet since they address current and future issues, and the goal is to raise awareness and discussion about them (artificial intelligence, etc). We can't change the world without changing ourselves, you'll be asked to leave your comfort zone, in a personal way. This is meant to make you feel uncomfortable and face your fears and hopefully overcome them. Remember the first and hardest change we can make is on ourselves. The class is about interaction: teacher to students, students to teacher and students to students. This class is supposed to make you think and learn to think about what it is coming. There is no secret formula, as there are no secret formulas in the real world. Students will be responsible to present in group a key technological trend to their colleagues as part of the learning process. Recent and current articles, videos and conferences will be discussed. Classes are mandatory and the unjustified absence (major causes only) will reflect on the evaluation. Missing two classes without a major force justification results in the failure of the course.
Evaluation method
- 35% - Written exam (individual)
- 30% - Final sector paper and blog post (group)
- 35% - Class participation and written assignments contribution (individual and group)
There will be homework assigned in some classes. Homework is due the evening before the class and aims at having students trying to address
the issues before they get the solution. Homework is graded as follows (20 ¿ Went above what was required; 15 ¿ Did what was required; 10 ¿
Presented part of what was required; 5 ¿ minimum effort; 0 ¿ didn¿t present the homework or what was required). Class participation and
homework are graded together, and detailed evaluation of each component will not be available.
Students are evaluated according their contribution to the class development. Due to the short duration of the course there will be no grading
feedback during the course.
Presentations are only made available after the classes.
A grade inferior to 10 out of 20 in the exam will result in failing the course.
There is no individual revision of homework grading.
Subject matter
This course comes from the need I (David) identify while working with several leading companies in the world, of people that understand what is going on with the world. Society is going to change more dramatically the next 10 years than the previous 30. We are on a 4th industrial revolution, one that is based on data and technology. Still most companies and people haven't realized it. It's estimated that during the next 15 years, 60% of the current jobs will disappear and 50% of the current Fortune 500 companies will be replaced by other companies. What are you going to do about it? How are you going to prepare yourself and the companies you work for? This course aims to raise awareness in students with what is going to happen (and already happening) in the market, why it is happening, its implications and how to prepare their careers and their companies for it. We will go over the biggest trends and technologies shaping our present and future. Students will get familiar on the basics on how to transform a company for the new challenges ahead, starting with themselves, and the key triggers for transformation. This course also shows the bigger picture of digital in our society and helps student to frame the knowledge from other courses on digital (you'll learn why the term digital should be stopped to be used soon but we don't have another better yet). And what about you? You want to change the world but can you change yourself? We'll have some personal challenges during the course to get you out of your comfort zone...
Programs where the course is taught: