Luxury Seminar
The main aim of the Seminar in Luxury is to provide students enrolled in the Stream in Luxury Management with a deep exploration of fundamental trends in the luxury and fashion sectors and the opportunity to interact with renowned experts in the luxury field. Furthermore, the course aims to enhance knowledge and experience in a selected range of luxury and fashion-related topics.
An additional objective is to apply the knowledge and experience acquired over the Stream in a consulting project for a luxury brand. This project allows students to develop and demonstrate their expertise in the field, promoting it in their CV and opening the way to job opportunities.
Ultimately, the course provides grounding for the Work Project/Thesis, as students are expected to develop their Field Lab Group Thesis in the Fall Semester under the supervision of one of the five International Executives and Experts involved in the Luxury Seminar together with the Stream?s Coordinator, Prof. Catherine da Silveira.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Catherine Da Silveira
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
KAPFERER, Jean-Noël & BASTIEN, Vincent. The luxury strategy - Break the rules of Marketing to build luxury brands, Second Edition, 2012, Kogan Page.
CORBELLINI, Erica & SAVIOLO, Stefania. Managing Fashion and Luxury Companies, 2009, Rizzoli Etas.
PINKHASOV, Misha & JOSHI NAIR, Rachna. Real Luxury - How Luxury Brands Can Create Value for the Long Term, 2014, Palgrave Macmillan.
Teaching method
Lectures and Discussions with Luxury Experts .
Individual analysis of a key topic developed over the Luxury Seminar: Individual Essay/written in-home assignment. Each Guest Professor provides a topic at the end of his/her Session. Students choose one topic out of the five options. Deadline: 2 weeks after the Lecture [Dynamic calendar]
Practical project . Students (in teams of about 5 students) develop recommendations on a practical topic for a luxury company or brand.
Evaluation method
Attendance and quality of individual participation in the five Guest Lectures: 20% - Individual Grade
Individual Essay: 40% - Individual Grade - Written in home assignment on one of the five topics provided by the Guest Professors at the end of their Session. Students choose one topic out of the five options. Deadline: 2 weeks after the last Lecture
Practical Project : 40 % [25% Group Grade + 15% Individual Grade] . The individual grade is based on a Peer evaluation
Subject matter
The Course is divided into five Guest Lectures + Sessions dedicated to the Project