Evidence-based practices for wellbeing
This course is an elective aimed at providing students with scientific knowledge on well-being as well as expose them to scientifically-backed practices that increase well-being.
The purpose of this course is equip students with fundamental concepts of well-being drawn from diverse scientific sources such as psychology, behavioral economics, consumer behavior and organizational behavior. With this knowledge, students should apply it to their personal and professional lives, and enhancing their self-understanding. Students should practice evidence-based techniques for fostering well-being within themselves and the people and groups around them. This course aims to impact through empowering individuals to live a –more fulfilling and meaningful – good life. In a very interactive and participative format, the course will have discussions, readings, short essays and experiential learning in a diverse and respectful environment.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Sofia Kousi, Samantha Sim
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
No purchase of textbook will be required. Lecture slides will be provided. For any additional articles you may need for your assignment you can search on the university¿s library databases on your own. Please download the articles on your own, you may search the titles of the paper on the following:
b-on.pt or EBSCOhost
Google Chrome plugin ¿unpaywall¿
Teaching method
A variety of teaching and learning methods will be used in this course: lectures, educational videos, in- class exercises and other experiential learning exercises, weekly reflections, guest speakers, as well as presentations on group work.
Evaluation method
Development of a practical intervention for well-being 40%
Essays/reflections on weekly exercises (best 5 out of 6) 30%
Final exam 30%
Bonus: Research Participation Max. +0.4 to the final grade over 20
Subject matter
Topics include the following:
• Definition and measurement of well-being (nature, nurture, sustainability of well-being)
• Types of well-being (eudaimonia, purpose, meaning, flourishing), and benefits
• Happiness worldwide and indices of well-being
• The biology and circumstances of well-being (personality, demographics, culture)
• Actions for well-being – individual (lifestyle, mindfulness, self-compassion)
• Actions for well-being – involvement of others (gratitude, social connection)
• Negative emotions and resilience
• Consumption and well-being (income, materialism, thrift, experiential consumption, savoring)
• Work and well-being (job performance, engagement, counter-productive work behaviors, authenticity, meaningful work, thriving, life and job satisfaction)
• Evaluation of the effectiveness of well-being interventions
Programs where the course is taught: