Leading Social Enterprises with impact in International Development
The course first deconstructs assumptions and bias preventing or hindering enterprises and private sector professionals from impacting sustainable international development, and then exposes students to the theory & practice (cases and guests) on how private sector minded impact enterprises in low- and middle-income countries have been and are driving sustainable global development. Then, students are asked to produce a podcast with the learnings of the course applied to a real impact entreprise. The best podcasts will be part of the Sustainability and Impact Global Series Podcast broadcasted by NOVA SBE - you can check previous student's podcasts here: https://rss.com/podcasts/sustainability-global/
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Filipe Alfaiate
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Videos and Podcasts
Center for International Development (CID) at Harvard University ¿ Filipe Alfaiate and Ariana Almeida (Building an award-winning NGO: the challenges and reality behind the dream to make a difference) https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-harvard-cid-31001357/episode/building-an-award-winning-ngo-the-32174619/ Paul Collier - the Bottom of the Pyramid https://www.ted.com/talks/paul_collier_shares_4_ways_to_help_the_bottom_billion Daniel Kahneman "experience and memory" https://www.ted.com/talks/daniel_kahneman_the_riddle_of_experience_vs_memory Iqbal Quadir "how mobile phones can fight poverty" https://www.ted.com/talks/iqbal_quadir_says_mobiles_fight_poverty Dan Pellota- the way we think about charity https://www.ted.com/talks/dan_pallotta_the_way_we_think_about_charity_is_dead_wrong?language=e
Most relevant books and articles
Christensen M.C., Ojomo E. and Dillon, D (2019) "The Prosperity Paradox - How innovation can lift Nations out of poverty", Harper Business
Elkington, J. and Hartigan, P. (2008), The Power of Unreasonable People¿, Harvard Business Press
Kotler, P. T., & Lee, N. R. (2009). "Up and out of poverty: The social marketing solution:, Pearson Prentice Hall.
Prahalad, C.K. (2005), "The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid, eradicating poverty through profits", Wharton School Publishing.
Polak, P., & Warwick, M. (2013). The business solution to poverty: Designing products and services for three billion new customers.
Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Porter, M. and Kramer, M. (2011), "Creating Shared Value", HBS
Rossling, H. (2018). "Factfullness"
Teaching method
We will use different methodologies to create dynamic classes and enhance long-term learning:
> lectures by the teacher and in-class discussions among the class;
> in-class presentations by guest speakers on class related topics;
> games and collaborative work in class;
> group and individual assignments.
Evaluation method
Individual Assignment (25%): One written assignment (between 3500-4500 words) chosen by each student from cases provided. Students will be asked to critically analyze how the tools and frameworks taught in class apply.
PODCAST - Group Work (35%): Students should gather in groups of 4-5 and deliver a podcast on a topic that will be made available in the beginning of the course. The top podcasts will be broadcast online on the school official platform as an award. The Podcasts can be recorded by booking in advance the Fidelidade Studio on campus. You can check the best Podcast from previous years here: https://rss.com/podcasts/sustainability-global
Final exam (40%): The final exam covers all topics covered in the course.
Subject matter
Global challenges (SDGs)
Sustainable development driven impact enterprises' cases, trends, ecosystem, and funding options in the International Development ecosystem
Corporate strategy and market creation innovation and market driven approaches to tackle global challenges in international development
Inclusive Businesses and Supply Chains, Bottom of the Pyramid/Non consumers, and private sector development and climate in low- and middle-income countries
Impact Marketing and Applied Behavioural Economics solutions and tools
Leading Impact Enterprises in international development, including cultural competence, agility and endurance, and
professional growth opportunities in this sector.
Programs where the course is taught: