Brand Management for Hospitality
What is a brand, and how can a company use it to improve marketing performance? What is the role of a brand for players in the hospitality industry? Through a customer-centric approach, the course explores these questions, examining in depth the theory and practice of Brand Management with a special focus in the hospitality industry. It aims to provide students with a deep appreciation of the power of brands, and to develop their abilities in building and managing world class hospitality brands. The course emphasizes the application of theory through the completion of a consulting style Brand Development group project.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Sofia Kousi
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Recommended (but not required) textbook: Kapferer (2012) The new strategic brand management , 5 edition, Kogan Press.
Any additional reading materials for this course will be available for download from Moodle. The course website on Moodle will be frequently updated with relevant information, and announcements. It is important that you check it frequently, as it will serve as the main vehicle for communication and dialogue outside the classroom.
Teaching method
The course covers the two main topics outlined above, through the combination of learning techniques, taking into consideration different learning styles. Lectures are used to provide a solid theoretical background. Case studies from the hospitality sector are used to bring the theoretical concepts to life and enhance comprehension through in-class discussion. Finally, direct application of the theory is enabled through the Brand Development project. Working in groups, students develop a hospitality brand directed towards the Baby Boomers target (60+), establishing all the relevant ingredients of brand strategy and implementation, based on secondary research.
Evaluation method
50%: Final exam (individual, written essay format)
50%: Group Project: brand development (85% presentation, 15% peer evaluation)
Subject matter
The course content is structured around two main topics: Branding theory basics: we explore the foundations of branding theory, including the concepts of brand equity, brand awareness, brand image, brand identity, brand architecture and brand positioning. Brand strategy development and implementation : we explore how brand owners can craft and implement a solid brand strategy, focusing on the concepts of brand architecture, brand extensions, and other brand elements
Programs where the course is taught: