Tourism Marketing


The Tourism Marketing course applies marketing concepts and frameworks to the tourism context. It covers the role of marketing in an organization, the key concepts and tools needed for market orientation as well as service orientation, the creative implementation as a function of a well-defined strategy, and the concepts and steps behind the development of a marketing plan applied to a tourism organization and/or product

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Carmen Lages


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Baines, P., Fill, C., Rosengren, S., & Antonetti, P. (2017). Fundamentals of Marketing. UK: Oxford University Press.

Cooper, C. (2012). Contemporary Tourism. (2nd Ed). London: Goodfellow.Other readings to be delivered by Prof.

Kotler, P.; Bowen, J; Makens, J.; Baloglu, S. (2017). Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism. (7th Ed.), Edinburgh: Prentice Hall.

Middleton, V.; Fyall, A.; Morgan, M. (2009), Marketing in Travel and Tourism. (4th Ed.), UK: Butterworth-Heinemann. 

Teaching method

The course involves a combination of formal lectures (that include exercises, case study resolution & discussion, guest speakers and quizzes), and groupwork coaching sessions. 

Evaluation method

50% - Class Contribution and Exercises

Group Work (in-class case study discussion & resolution) 25%

Individual Work (such as flash essay and exercises) 25%

50% Final exam - (Individual case study resolution + question about course content) 

Subject matter

Tourism: the Hospitality and Travel Industries

Mass & Niche Markets in Tourism

Tourism products, service quality and experience design

Tourism consumer behaviour and competitor analysis

Marketing plan applied to tourism products