Diversity & Inclusion
In this course you will understand the current state of workplace diversity in organizations by viewing it through multiple theoretical and
practical lenses. You will learn what the many barriers to diversity are, with attention to the individual, relational, organizational, and
societal-level factors that shape attitudes and behaviors. And, finally, you will learn how to design inclusive organizations.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Jennifer Marie Hoobler
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Bergh, C., & Hoobler, J. M. (2022). Why and when is implicit racial bias linked to abusive supervision? The impact of manager racial microaggressions and individualized consideration. Current Psychology , 1-14.
Rosette, A. S., Akinola, M., & Ma, A. (2017). Subtle discrimination in the workplace Individual-level factors and processes. In A. Colella & E. King (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Workplace Discrimination (p.7-19). Oxford University Press, New York.
Reid, E. (2015). Embracing, passing, revealing, and the ideal worker image: How people navigate expected and experienced professional identities. Organization Science , 26 (4), 997-1017.
Jones, K. P., King, E. B., Gilrane, V. L., McCausland, T. C., Cortina, J. M., & Grimm, K. J. (2016). The baby bump: Managing a dynamic stigma over time. Journal of Management , 42 (6), 1530-1556.
Ragins, B. R., Ehrhardt, K., Lyness, K. S., Murphy, D., & Capman, J. (2017). Like second-hand smoke, racial discrimination at work can affect bystanders. LSE Business Review.
Loyd, D. L., Wang, C. S., Phillips, K. W., & Lount Jr, R. B. (2013). Social category diversity promotes premeeting elaboration: The role of relationship focus. Organization Science , 24 (3), 757-772
Teaching method
Face-to-face lectures, classroom and online discussions and debates, self-assessments, two exams, guided readings from academic journal articles as well as high-quality online sources, HBR case analyses, an inclusive organization group project, and a group presentation.
Evaluation method
Class participation 5%
HBR case analysis 10%
Midterm exam 25%
Group project 25%
Group project presentation 5%
Final exam 30%
Subject matter
In this course we will examine the current state of workplace diversity in organizations through multiple theoretical and practical lenses. We will explore the many barriers to diversity with attention to the individual, relational, organizational, and societal-level factors that shape our attitudes and behaviours. In doing so, you will be challenged to reflect on your own experiences and biases. We will also develop organizational initiatives that help to build inclusive work environments.
Programs where the course is taught: