Applied Qualitative Studies


CUA1. develop an initial understanding of what might be expected on a research paper like a thesis

CUA2. understand the market research process

CUA3. apply the market research process to a specific situation

CUA4. dominate the technical vocabulary, concepts, and frameworks in the field

CUA5. recognise what analysis to conduct on different types of data considering the research questions. 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Elizabete Cardoso


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





SAUNDERS, LEWIS AND THORNHILL, Research Methods for Business Students, 8/E, 2020, Pearson

MALHOTRA, Naresh K.: Marketing Research ? An Applied Orientation: Global Edition, 2020, Pearson 

Teaching method

Theoretical Classes - typical, whole class sessions

Team Sessions - single group classes in which students present the progress of their work (deliverables are predetermined in course planning) and receive feedback on improvements and next steps. Each session allocates 20 minutes for group presentation + 10 minutes for instructor feedback. All group members must be present and the group must always upload their presentation in pdf onto moodle, with numbered slides, prior to presenting. Half the team presents in TS1 and the other on TS2, but all students can be asked questions in both sessions ¿ the instructor chooses who presents.

Evaluation method

Team Sessions and report: 60% 

(10% for TS1 +15% for TS2 + 5% individual communication skills* + 30% for Report)

Peer Evaluation: 10%

Final Exam: 30%

*: each student is evaluated on this when it is their turn to present part of the team?s work in the team sessions  


Subject matter

Structuring a Business Research Paper

Research in Business and Research Design

Research Proposal and Interview Guide

Secondary data and Qualitative Research

Conclusive Research Design

Sampling, Measurements and Scaling

Building Questionnaires

Interview results and Questionnaire Proposal