Digital Transformation in Hospitality


The module intends to frame the Future of Customers and Consumers in general and in the Hospitality sector in particular, highlighting how emerging technologies (e.g. cloud, big data, mobile, AR/VR, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Blockchain) are transforming the way companies relate with their customers and consumers, looking at some of the best practices, use cases, opportunities, and threats. Throughout the module, we will understand the main Environment Drivers where we can frame the technological evolution as one of the leading innovation accelerators. we will know the main challenges of the Future Enterprise and the main predictions for the Future of Customers and Consumers. We will also analyze some of the main strategic priorities and use cases of transformation of the relationship with customers and consumers ("Empathy @ Scale") and sectorial digital transformation ("Experimental Hospitality, Dinning and Travel"). In the end, we will explore how new technologies can push new business models using some of the main techniques and tools of design thinking. 


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Bruno Horta Soares


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





- FutureScape Worldwide Digital Transformation 2022 Predictions

- MaturityScape The Future Enterprise 1.0

- The Future of Customers and Consumers Defined

- FutureScape Worldwide Future of Customer and Consumer 2022 Predictions

- MaturityScape Future of Customers and Consumers 1.0

- Worldwide Future Enterprise Use Case Taxonomy, 2021 Future of Customer and Consumer 

- FutureScape Worldwide Hospitality, Dining, and Travel 2022 Predictions

- Worldwide Digital Transformation Use Case Taxonomy, 2021 Experiential Hospitality, Dining, and Travel 

- Business Models for the Future Enterprise

- Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Papadakos, P., Bernarda, G., Papadakos, T., & Smith, A. (2014). Value proposition design . John Wiley & Sons.

- Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation. John Wiley & Sons 

Teaching method

- Expositive Method

- Group Exercises

- Design Thinking Exercises

- LEGO Serious Play 

Evaluation method

Regular Exam Period

- Continuous assessment elements: 60%

- Final exam: 40% 

Subject matter

01. ENVIRONMENT DRIVERS - Know the main context drivers related to digital transformation

02. DIGITAL PLATFORMS - Know the evolution of digital platforms over time until we get to the 3rd Digital Platform and Innovation Accelerators. Imaginene the 4th Digital Platform and disruptive technologies.

03. FUTURE ENTERPRISE - Know the main topics related to digital transformation that are on decision-makers agenda.

04. FUTURE OF CUSTOMERS AND CONSUMERS - Deepen the knowledge of the Future of Customers and Consumers and analyze the main outcomes of technology. Know and explore the main use cases of digital transformation related to the strategic priority "Empathy @ Scale

05. HOSPITALITY, DINING, AND TRAVEL - To design a roadmap of transformation use cases using the prominent use cases, programs, and digital transformation strategies in the Hospitality sector

06. NEW DIGITAL BUSINESS MODELS - Positioning the new technologies as a push element of new digital business model strategies 


Programs where the course is taught: