Introduction to Hospitality & Tourism Industry


Tourism and hospitality are two of the most dynamic activities in the world economy and both base their competitiveness on the principles of hospitality and on strategies focused on the consumer.

The course aims to provide students with a global knowledge of the tourism and hospitality industry and its fundamental concepts. The course will also deepen the topics of operation, characteristics and specificities of the hospitality business, the transformations of the business models in this field, discussing the megatrends with an impact on the future of the sector.

The course will also address the potential use of hospitality expertise in the development of unique customer experiences in the services industry (banking, retail, healthcare, etc).  

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Sérgio Miguel Pratas Guerreiro


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



n/ a


C. Barrows, T. Powers, D. Reynolds (2012) Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry, 10 Ed, Wiley

F. Melissen, R. Blomme, S. Josephi & J. Van Der Rest (2014), Hospitality Experience. Wolters-Noordhoff

J. Waljer & J.T. Walker (2020), Introduction to Hospitality, 8 Ed., Pearson

Solomon, M (2018). The Heart of Hospitality, Select Books

Toister, J. (2017). The Service Culture Handbook. Jeff Toister  

Teaching method

The course covers the main topics outlined above, through the combination of learning techniques, taking into consideration different learning styles. Lectures are used to provide a solid theoretical background. Case studies are used to bring the theoretical concepts to life and enhance comprehension through discussion. Finally, direct application of the theory is enabled group. 

Evaluation method

Assessment will consist of:

a final exam (50%)

a group project (35%)

participation in class (15%) 

Subject matter

The course content is structured around five main topics:

Tourism as a global industry ? trends and key concepts

The Hospitality Industry

Fundamentals of Hospitality Management 

The Service Culture

Megatrends shaping the future of the hospitality industry