PhD in Health Sciences

Education objectives

This program plans to train a new generation of researchers and non-physicians with a comprehensiv e perspective on health science research, encouraging multidisciplinarity and promoting projects of scientific and technical merit. The student will be encouraged to identify research areas with higher scientific, technological and impact potential. In methodological terms, the student must be able to identify a research and conceptualize and elaborate a proposal of research project, innovative and competitive, according to the most demanding scientific quality standards, integrating consistently the experimental methodologies that best respond to the scientific issues raised. During the course of study, the student will also be trained to evaluate and discuss other projects in this area, completing their scientific training as well as consolidating their capabilities as a peer-reviewer, another essential competence in research activity.

General characterization

DGES code



PhD (3rd Cycle)



Access to other programs

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Miguel Pedro Pires Cardoso de Seabra,Maria Paula Borges de Lemos Macedo

Opening date

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Teaching language

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Degree pre-requisites

The cycle of study leading to the doctoral degree integrates in the doctoral course, the accomplishment of an original thesis specially designed for this purpose, adequate to the nature of the area of Health Sciences, according to the branch of knowledge (Medicine / Biomedicine) . The student will have at the end of this cycle of studies to perform an academic test for defense, appreciation and public discussion of the final work (Thesis).

The study cycle lasts for 4 years on a full-time basis, and the doctoral student must complete 60 ECTS per school year, in order to comply with 240 ECTS at the end of the 4 years.

The student will have to do 31 ECTS in Curricular Units and 206 ECTS in the Thesis. Given that in the 1st year study plan, in the 2 classes, students have to make one of the five optional conditionals available, making only 3ECTS.

The specific admission conditions vary according to the Branch, in which this cycle of studies is structured:

Branch of Medicine - They can apply for a ccess to the study cycle: a) Holders of the master's degree in Medicine or legal equivalent; b) Holders of a bachelor's degree, holders of a particularly relevan t academic or scientific curriculum that is recognized as attesting capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council NMS | FCM.

Branch of Biomedicine - They can apply for acce ss to the study cycle: a) The holders of a master degree (or legal eq uivalent) in Dental Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biology, Biochemistry, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Health Technologies or other scientific areas considered relevant by the Scientific Committee / Doctoral Coordination in Health Sciences; b) Holders of a bachelor's degree, holders of a particularly releva nt academic or scientific curriculum that is recognized as attesting to the capacity of the NMS | FCM Scientific Council to carry out this cycle of studies.

Conditions of admittance

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Evaluation rules

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1 year - Mandatory
Code Name ECTS
90001 Optional I
90001 Optional I
90001 Optional I
90001 Optional I
90001 Optional I
90001 Optional I