Master in Clinical Research Management

Education objectives

Medical research, particularly clinical research, is a key activity for the development of innovation in health. By its nature and ethical issues, it is highly legislated, it requires complex infrastructures and different basic research and is usually done in accumulation of functions with clinical activity. The structures that support research teams in the planning and implementation of clinical trials are fundamental to their effectiveness and also ensure the correct application of Good Clinical Practices. This cycle of studies aims to train highly qualified human resources to professionalize clinical research in health units, universities, biobanks, pharmaceutical companies, health technology companies that collaborate in the organization of research, etc. Although with goals that emphasize professional skills in management of clinical research, some students will be encouraged to continue their studies in a 3rd cycle in the field of Health Sciences.

The Master course will take place in Aveiro (Aveiro University) and Lisbon (in the facilities of NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa). Each edition will be implemented entirely in only one of the universities, in alternate years, stating this information at the time of applications.

General characterization

DGES code



Master (2nd Cycle)


Master Degree

Access to other programs

Access to 3rd cycle (PhD/Doctorate)


Available soon

Opening date

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Teaching language


Degree pre-requisites

Number of ECTS credits required: 240

Duration of the study programme: 2 years, 4 semesters

Conditions of admittance

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Evaluation rules

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