Master in Metabolism and Human Nutrition

Education objectives

The Master in Metabolism and Human Nutrition combines human nutrition with metabolism and aims to train highly qualified staff to analyze in a systematic and integrated manner the main health problems related to inadequate lifestyles.

The master's degree is focused on strategies to promote healthy lifestyles from a perspective of Lifestyle Medicine, prevent diseases, especially chronic non-
transmissible diseases, prevent metabolic malformation as a result of exposure to dietary factors during life in utero, and active and healthy aging .

This master's degree prepares students to be able to diagnose and intervene, to identify the causes and consequences associated with inappropriate eating habits, recognizing the molecular mechanisms of the disease involved. It prepares students not only for interventions based on scientific evidence, but also to be able to assess the effectiveness of these interventions and empower them with tools to generate scientific evidence and guidelines.

General characterization

DGES code



Master (2nd Cycle)


Master Degree

Access to other programs

Students in this master's degree are prepared to access doctoral programs or career advancement, whether in the public or private sector.


Diana Marina da Silva Teixeira

Opening date

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Teaching language

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Degree pre-requisites

The qualification of Master in Metabolism and Human Nutrition is obtained after obtaining 120 credits in the scientific areas that aggregate this course and in the public defense of the master's thesis.

Conditions of admittance

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Evaluation rules

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