NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Bachelor in Portuguese Studies
- Bachelor in Sociology
- Bachelor in Translation
- Bachelor in Anthropology
- Bachelor in Archeology
- Bachelor in Art History
- Bachelor in Communication Sciences
- Bachelor in Geography and Regional Planning
- Bachelor in History
- Bachelor in Language Sciences
- Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Bachelor in Musicology
- Bachelor in Philosophy
- Bachelor in Political Science and International Relations
- Bachelor in Portuguese and Business
- Bachelor in Sociology (After Work)
- Master Course on Digital Curation and Digital Humanities
- Master in Aesthetics and Artistic Studies
- Master in Anthropology
- Master in Archaeology
- Master in Communication Sciences
- Master in Cultural Heritage
- Master in Editing Publishing
- Master in Education Studies
- Master in English Didactics
- Master in English Teaching in the 3rd cycle of Basic School and in Secondary School
- Master in History
- Master in History in the Public Sphere
- Master in History of Art and Museology
- Master in History of the Portuguese Empire
- Master in Human Ecology and Contemporary Social Problems
- Master in Journalism
- Master in Language Sciences
- Master in Migration, Inter-Ethnicity and Transnationalism
- Master in Museology
- Master in Musical Arts
- Master in Musicology
- Master in New Media and Web Practices
- Master in Performing Arts (P.E. 23/24)
- Master in Philosophy
- Master in Philosophy Teaching in Secondary Education
- Master in Political Science and International Relations
- Master in Portuguese Studies
- Master in Portuguese Teaching in the 3rd Cycle of Basic School and in Secondary School
- Master in Portuguese as a Second or Foreign Language
- Master in Science Communication
- Master in Sociology
- Master in Spatial Planning and Geographic Information Systems
- Master in Sustainable Urbanism and Spatial Planning
- Master in Teaching History in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education
- Master in Teaching of English and a Foreign Language in the 3rd Cycle of Elementary Education, specialization in Spanish or French
- Master in Teaching of English in Primary Education
- Master in Teaching of Musical Education in Elementary Education
- Master in Teaching of Portuguese and a Foreign Language in the 3rd Cycle of Elementary Education and in Secondary Education, specialisation in German, or Spanish, or French, or English
- Master in Territorial Management
- Master in Translation (P.E.23/24)
- Master in Trends in English and North American Studies
- Master in Urban Studies
- Master in Women's Studies. Women in Society and in Culture
- Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments (TISE - Erasmus Mundus)
- History
- PhD In International Relations
- PhD in Anthropology (association)
- PhD in Anthropology: Politics and Displays of Culture and Museology
- PhD in Archaeology
- PhD in Art Studies - Art and Mediations
- PhD in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies
- PhD in Communication Sciences
- PhD in Didactics of Languages
- PhD in Digital Media
- PhD in Education
- PhD in Gender Studies
- PhD in Geography and Territorial Planning
- PhD in Globalization Studies
- PhD in History of Art
- PhD in Human Ecology
- PhD in Linguistics
- PhD in Literatures and Modern Cultures (b-learning)
- PhD in Medieval Studies
- PhD in Musicology
- PhD in Philosophy
- PhD in Political Science
- PhD in Portuguese Studies
- PhD in Sociology (association)
- PhD in Translation Studies
- PhD in Translation and Terminology
- PhD in Urban Studies
- Especialização em Liderança e Empreendedorismo na Era Digital
- Postgraduate Course in ART MARKET
- Postgraduate Course in Bioanthropology and Archaeology
- Postgraduate Course in Globalization, Diplomacy and Security
- Postgraduate Course in Historical Archivistics
- Postgraduate Course in Music in Early Childhood: Intervention and Research
- Postgraduate Course in Politics and Digital Citizenship
- Postgraduate Course in Science and Technology Management and Policy
- Postgraduate Course in Teaching Portuguese as a Second Language
- Postgraduate Course in Visual Studies - Photography and (Post) Cinema
- Postgraduate Course in the Art Curatorship
- Postgraduate Course in the Arts of Writing
- Postgraduate Course in the Information Management and Curation
- Postgraduate in Communication of Culture and Creative Industries
- Postgraduate in Heritage, Management and Participation
- Postgraduate in Internal Communication and Well-being in Organizations
- Postgraduate in Tourism, Culture and Creation
- Pós-Graduação em Estudos Interdisciplinares e Globais do Trabalho
- Specialization in Data Analysis and Information Visualization
- Specialization in Language Acquisition and Impairment: Challenges of Language Neuroscience in the 21st Century
The NOVA way of being in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. The School of Social Sciences and Humanities - NOVA University of Lisbon (NOVA FCSH) opened its doors in January 1978 focusing on the Social Sciences and Humanities, challenging the leading role of the Colleges of Letters in the Portuguese panorama.Since that year, NOVA FCSH has been a pioneer in many areas of knowledge, but, above all, in the vision it has been developing for teaching and research, which winds up in a permanent commitment: interdisciplinarity, internationalization and sharing the knowledge with the society. The NOVA way of being in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities is reflected in the excellent numbers, through the people that are part of our community and in our daily challenges.
NOVA FCSH offers 15 undergraduate degrees (one of them with the after-work hours variant); 46 master's degrees, 8 of which in teaching; 28 doctoral programmes; 16 postgraduate courses and 2 specialization courses.
The academic community welcomes more than 5,000 students, more than 300 professors, most of whom with a PhD, and about 1,500 researchers, 150 of them as full-time staff. It also offers more than 400 mobility protocols all over the world. Besides the excellence in teaching, our research has been prominent: it achieved first place in Social and Human Sciences regarding the most cited publications (CWTS Leiden ranking of 2019); of the 14 Research Units evaluated by the Foundation for Science and Technology, 8 achieved the classification of Excellent and 5 obtained Very Good; it was considered the best university in Portugal to study arts and humanities (2017 Times Higher Education ranking). NOVA FCSH has two campuses: Avenida de Berna and Campolide, at Colégio Almada Negreiros.
Mobility students
Academic authorities
- Conselho de Faculdade Presidente: Paulo Areosa Feio; Representantes dos Docentes e Investigadores: Ana Margarida Grenho Ferreira; Carlos Ceia; Cristina Ponte; Dora Santos Silva; Dima Mohammed; João Luís Lisboa; Jorge Miguel Pedreira; Maria Antónia Coutinho; Paulo Filipe Monteiro; Representante dos Estudantes: Inês Jorge; Representante dos trabalhadores não docentes e não investigadores: Joaquim Jorge Correia de Oliveira; Membros Externos: Ana Sousa Dias; Gisela Casimiro; Paulo Areosa Feio; Nuno Carinha
- Diretor Luís António Vicente Baptista
- Pró-Reitor João Carlos Ferreira de Seixas
- Pró-reitor Clara Maria Abreu Rowland
- Pró-reitor João Carlos Ferreira de Seixas
- Subdiretor Adjunto para as Infraestruturas Tecnológicas e Transição Digital Daniel Ribeiro Alves
- Subdiretor para a Inovação, Criação de Valor e Desenvolvimento dos Campi Rui Pedro de Sousa Pereira Monteiro Julião
- Subdiretor para o Planeamento e Qualidade Carlos Fonseca Clamote Carreto
- Subdiretora Adjunta para a Investigação e Plano Estratégico Cristina Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brito
- Subdiretora Adjunta para as Relações Institucionais e Inclusão Social Ana Isabel dos Santos Figueiredo Pinto
- Subdiretora para a Gestão Curricular e Estudantes Maria Teresa Alves de Araújo
- Subdiretora para a Internacionalização, Cultura e Parcerias Regionais Maria dos Anjos Maltez Cardeira da Silva
- Conselho Gestao Presidente: Luís Baptista; Administradora Executiva: Joana Pires; Vogais: Carlos Fonseca Clamote Carreto,Cristina Brito, Rui Pedro Julião
- Conselho Científico Presidente: Luís Baptista; Vice-Presidentes: Abel Barros Baptista; Amélia Aguiar Andrade; Membros efetivos: Abel Barros Baptista; Alexandra Curvelo; Amélia Aguiar Andrade; André Santos Campos; Cristina Brito; Fernando Clara; João Constâncio; José Mapril; Manuel Pedro Ferreira; Manuel Pinto Deniz Silva; Marco Lisi; Maria de Lourdes Rosa; Maria Irene Aparício; Pedro Aires Oliveira; Regina Salvador.
- Conselho Pedagógico Presidente: Carlos Clamote Carreto; Vice-presidente: Ana Gonçalves Matos; Representantes dos Docentes: Ana Alexandre Gonçalves Matos; Carmen Fonseca; Dulce Pimentel; Maria Zulmira Castanheira. Representantes dos Estudantes: Guilherme Martins Vaz; Inês Isabel Salvador Caeiro; Íris Alexandra Ramos Murteira Nunes;Joana Reis Freitas.
- Administrador Joana Pires
Admission and enrollment
Undergraduate ProgrammesStudents admitted to NOVA FCSH through the 2024/25 National Call for Enrolment into Higher Education, should register and enrol through the InforEstudante academic platform (, within the period stipulated by the Directorate General for Higher Education (DGES).
Students who have applied through other Admission Regimes (such as Over 23 Years Old, Other Degree Holders, Transfers/Course Changes, and Readmissions), must register and enrol through the InforEstudante academic platform (, within the designated period in the academic calendar (, once the outcome of their application is known.
For information regarding the admission and enrolment of students under the International Student Statute, please visit:
The following documents are required for the registration process:
• Photo ID Document (Citizenship Card or Passport)
• Portuguese Taxpayer Number (NIF)
In addition, to enrol, the student is required to pay the 1st instalment of the tuition fees, the administrative costs and the school insurance. The ATM payment references are provided by the InforEstudante platform during the enrolment process. During the enrolment period, a step-by-step guide will be available on the NOVA FCSH website ( to assist students with their online registration and enrolment.
For any questions regarding the admission and enrolment process, please contact the Academic Services’ Undergraduate Office (
For any questions pertaining to class schedules, allocated classrooms, degree structures, courses’ syllabus, etc., please contact the Department responsible for that Bachelor’s Degree (
Master’s Programmes
Students admitted to a Master’s Degree Program must register and enrol through the InforEstudante academic platform (, within the period designated in the academic calendar (
To enrol, the student is required to pay the 1st instalment of the tuition fees, the administrative costs and the school insurance. The ATM payment references are provided by the InforEstudante platform during the enrolment process.
If, at this stage, the applicant’s qualification certificate (or equivalent document), has not yet been submitted, it must be sent, by email, to the Academic Services’ Master’s Office (
During the enrolment period, a step-by-step guide will be available on the NOVA FCSH website ( to assist students with their online registration and enrolment. For any questions regarding this process, please contact aforementioned Academic Services’ Office. For any questions pertaining to class schedules, allocated classrooms, degree structures, courses’ syllabus, etc., please contact the Department responsible for that Master’s Degree (
PhD Programmes
Students admitted to a PhD Program must register and enrol through the InforEstudante academic platform (, within the period designated in the academic calendar (
To enrol, the student is required to pay the 1st instalment of the tuition fees, the administrative costs and the school insurance. The ATM payment references are provided by the InforEstudante platform during the enrolment process.
If, at this stage, the applicant’s qualification certificate (or equivalent document), has not yet been submitted, it must be sent, by email, to the Academic Services’ PhD Office (
During the enrolment period, a step-by-step guide will be available on the NOVA FCSH website ( to assist students with their online registration and enrolment.
For any questions regarding this process, please contact aforementioned Academic Services’ Office. For any questions pertaining to class schedules, allocated classrooms, degree structures, courses’ syllabus, etc., please contact the Department responsible for that PhD Degree (
Practical information
There are two libraries at NOVA FCSH, the Mário Sottomayor Cardia Library, located on the Av. de Berna campus, and the Vitorino Magalhães Godinho Library, located on the Campolide campus.NOVA FCSH students can visit both libraries, reed or loan books and benefit from a transfer service available between the two campi.
The Library team provides support and helpdesk to its users at the libraries and online via email or through the BiblioSkills service. Training sessions are also held throughout the academic year to help students and researchers search, aggregate and manage information.
Mário Sottomayor Cardia Library (BMSC)
The Mário Sottomayor Cardia Library has more than 140,000 books and it is a very important library in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities. The BMSC has more than 150 workstations, 10 computers, 8 free use scanners and 2 multifunctional machines. You can also access private book collections from former NOVA FCSH professors and relevant personalities from the Portuguese academic and cultural panorama.
Location: NOVA FCSH, Av. de Berna, Tower B, 1st Floor
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 8 pm. Saturdays from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm
Vacation period: Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 5 pm
Vitorino Magalhães Godinho Library (BVMG)
The Vitorino Magalhães Godinho Library has the bibliographic funds of 13 NOVA FCSH Research Units, the private collection of Vitorino Magalhães Godinho and also the Samuel Schwarz Library. This space has 20 workstations, 3 scanners for free use and 1 multifunctional machine.
Location: NOVA FCSH, Colégio Almada Negreiros, 1st Floor
Opening hours: Monday and Friday from 10.30 am to 6.30 pm. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10.30 am to 8 pm.
Vacation period: Monday to Friday from 10h30 to 17h00.
Other equipments
Laboratories | Computer rooms | Studios | Wireless Internet available throughout the CampusInterchange programs
The School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH) participates in several European and global programmes, namely: - Erasmus+; - Erasmus-Mundus - Santander Universities Exchange Scholarships~ - AULP Academic Mobility Program - CIEE - College Study Abroad - SiPn - Study in Portugal Network - API – Academic Programs International - Almeida Garrett (National Mobility) NOVA FCSH promotes a great number of partnerships with international higher education institutions, for the mobility of students, teachers, researchers and administrative and technical staff members through bilateral agreements.Interships
NOVA FCSH supports the professional integration of its students, fostering activities that aim to expose them to the job market, as well as to entrepreneurial activities as a means for personal and professional development. NOVA FCSH develops its activity in the following areas: - Professional guidance and counselling for students and recent graduates; - Development of training activities and events focused on student and graduate employability; - Fostering of entrepreneurial activities; - Searching for and communicating job/internship opportunities to students and recent graduates; - Corporate relations (reception and communication of job/internship opportunities; support regarding students and alumni recruitment, including the organization of corporate presentation events on campus).Scholarships
NOVA FCSH provides several scholarships for undergraduate, masters and PhD students, in order to support and award its students’ merit. - ESTUDAR+ Scholarships - Santander Future Scholarships - TOP Scholarships - NOVA Merit Scholarships - NOVA Social Welfare Services ScholarshipsSpecial needs facilities
Inclusive measures, accessibility and resourcesNOVA FCSH, within the action of the Office for Personal Development and Social Inclusion, is watchful and compromised in developing more inclusive and suitable responses to student’s needs, inviting them to participate in this ongoing process.
Student’s rights with physical, mental, and learning disabilities are protected by the Regulation of Students with Special Needs at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Some of the student rights are, for instants, the right to adapt the evaluation system, special periods for evaluation, access to technical support, priority services or the tuition fee exemption in the case of national scholarships holders, with 60% disability.
The Committee for Analysis and Support of the Student’s with physical, mental, and learning disabilities at NOVA FCSH is responsible for assigning these and other measures. To benefit these rights the students should require the Statute for the Student with Special Needs, at the platform InforEstudante.
Students with mobility and visual impairments can rely on trained professionals to ensure that they move safely and to assist them in the process of developing independence and personal autonomy within the campus of Avenida de Berna ou Campolide.
Still regarding accessibility, both Tours A and B have elevators and Braille elevator systems, accessibility ramps, accessible toilets and parking. On the groud floor of building C, it is possible to find a more suitable toilet for electric wheelchairs.
All the proposals regarding the acquisition of resources or equipment to improve the autonomy, the learning process and the wellbeing of the students, in both campus, can be sent to
Other information
Summer SchoolThe Summer School (EV) consists of 15 and 25-hour courses brought forward by NOVA FCSH’s highly qualified professors and researchers.
The EV takes place annually from July to September.
The Summer School Courses seek to meet the expectations of a diverse audience – university and non-university. By integrating the Lifelong Training Program, the Summer School Courses can provide educational supplements when requested.
Innovation and Value Creation Office
The Innovation and Value Creation Office is a structure whose objective is to consolidate, enhance and promote the talent of NOVA FCSH as an engine of social innovation. It seeks to encourage and support the creation and initial development of companies, cooperatives, and other science-based economic projects by students, recent graduates, alumni, teachers, and researchers of NOVA FCSH. This reflects an institutional commitment to foster entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer between the faculty, its research units, and economic agents in the areas of social sciences, arts, and humanities.
More Information at our website.
School calendar
Easter Break: 2025-04-14 -> 2025-04-21
Christmas Break: 2024-12-22 -> 2025-01-03
3rd Cycle - Classes- 2nd semester: 2025-02-10 -> 2025-05-30
3rd Cycle - Classes- 1st semester: 2024-09-16 -> 2024-12-20
3rd Cycle - Renewal of the enrolment (for already registered students of previous year): 2024-08-27 -> 2024-09-08
2nd Cycle - Repeat exams or improvement of grades period (2nd semester): 2025-06-30 -> 2025-07-08
2nd Cycle/Postgraduate courses - Classes- 2nd semester: 2025-02-10 -> 2025-05-30
2nd Cycle - Enrolment in master thesis/project/internship: 2024-08-19 -> 2024-09-02
2nd Cycle - Registration of master thesis/project/internship - 2nd semester: 2025-02-10 -> 2025-05-30
2nd Cycle - Repeat exams or improvement of grades period (1st semester): 2025-01-20 -> 2025-01-31
2nd Cycle/Postgraduate courses - Classes- 1st semester: 2024-09-16 -> 2024-12-20
2nd Cycle – Registration of master thesis/project/internship - 1st semester (at InforEstudante): 2024-09-16 -> 2024-12-20
2nd Cycle - Renewal of the enrolment (for already registered students of previous year): 2025-08-19 -> 2025-09-02
1st Cycle - Repeat exams or improvement of grades period (2nd semester): 2025-06-19 -> 2025-06-27
1st Cycle - Enrolment in repeat exams for the improvement of grades of 2nd semester or course units relating to the previous academic year (online at InforEstudante): 2025-06-14 -> 2025-06-17
1st Cycle - Classes- 2nd semester: 2025-02-10 -> 2025-05-30
1st Cycle - Repeat exams or improvement of grades period: 2025-01-20 -> 2025-01-31
1st Cycle - Enrolment in repeat exams for the improvement of grades of 1st semester or course units relating to the previous academic year (online at InforEstudante): 2025-01-13 -> 2025-01-15
1st Cycle - Classes- 1st semester: 2024-09-16 -> 2024-12-20
1st Cycle - Enrolment in course units (for already registered students of previous year): 2024-07-22 -> 2024-08-02