Technical-Scientific Translation Practice (Portuguese to Spanish)
a) To deepen knowledge about the technical-scientific discourse, developing the ability to understand and analyze its characteristics.
b) To enhance critical literacy, favoring the skills to understand texts and relationships between cultures.
c) To develop skills for the professional practice of translation in this specific area of knowledge, taking into account the specific difficulties of translating from Portuguese to Spanish.
d) To apply the theoretical knowledge of Translation Studies to the practice of the discipline.
e) To encourage autonomy in the use of digital tools and resources for the professional practice of translation.
f) To develop communicative competence in Spanish.
g) To promote the capacity for linguistic and cultural mediation in the area of technical and scientific translation.
h) To stimulate critical thinking, the ability to argue one's own ideas, solve problems and self-assess.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Beatriz Moriano Moriano
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
Galán, C., Montero, J. (2002). El discurso técnico-científico: la caja de herramientas del lenguaje. Madrid: Arco Libros.
Gamero, S. (2001). La traducción de textos técnicos. Barcelona: Ariel.
Gutiérrez Rodilla, B. M. (2005): El lenguaje de las ciencias, Madrid: Gredos.
Montalt Resurreció, V. (2005). Manual de traducció cientificotècnica, Vic: Eumo.
Real Academia Española y Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología. Portal Enclave de Ciencia.
Teaching method
Analysis of texts and recognition of the characteristics of technical-scientific discourse, identification of translation problems and discussion of different translation proposals. Criticism and comparison of versions of the same text. Individual and group work, in class and out of class. Reflection on the different translation strategies.
Evaluation method
Assessment methods - 1 non-face-to-face translation (20%), Active participation in classes, with presentation of previously prepared texts or short texts prepared in class (Mandatory attendance in 75% of classes, except student that work)(30%), Evaluation of 2 face-to-face translations(50%)
Subject matter
a) Characteristics of technical-scientific discourse and specific difficulties, namely acronyms, acronyms, spelling, technicalities, neologisms, strangeness and units of measurement.
b) Critical reading of texts and relationships between cultures.
c) Specific questions regarding the practice of translating from Portuguese to Spanish.
d) Documentary sources and digital resources for the professional practice of translation.
e) Translation of abstracts, scientific articles, instruction manuals, reports and leaflets of technical-scientific areas, including Neuroscience, Nutrition, Microbiology, Technology, Genetics and Robotics.
f) Construction of glossaries.
g) Linguistic and cultural mediation in the area of technical and scientific translation.
h) Analysis, revision and (self)evaluation of translations
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