Pratical Internship I


LO1. Introduce experience of practical work in archaeology; LO2. Apply in practical contexts the theoretical skills acquired in the classroom; LO3. Understand the basic methodological principles of an archaeological excavation; LO4. Learn to process archaeological materials, namely lithics and ceramics; LO5. Apprehend the complementary nature of the laboratory and fieldwork, as phases of the extended process of research in archaeology.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

José Carlos da Costa Quaresma


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 168

Teaching language





- BARKER, P. (1977). Techniques of archaeological excavation. Londres: Batsford. - BICHO, N. F. (2006). Manual de Arqueologia Pré-histórica. Lisboa: Edições 70. - CARO, A. (2002). Ensayo sobre cerámica en Arqueología. Sevilla: Ed. Agrija. - GAMBLE, C. (2002). Arqueología básica. Madrid: Ariel - HARRIS, E. C. (1993). Princípios de Estratigrafía Arqueológica. Barcelona: Crítica, Colección Crítica Arqueologia. - RENFREW, C.; BAHN, P., eds. (2005). Archaeology. The key concepts. Londres: Routledge. - RENFREW, C.; BAHN, P. (2016). Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice. 6ª Edição, Londres: Thames & Hudson. - TIXIER, J., INIZAN, M.-L., ROCHE, H. (1980). Préhistoire de la pierre taillée. Vol. I (Terminologie et technologie). Antibes: Cercle de Recherches et d´Études Préhistorique

Teaching method

The contents of the course will be developed in practical classes, taken in field and laboratory environments, which promote direct contact of students with the various contexts and archaeological materials, as well as with the various instruments, techniques and methodologies.The teaching is done through explanations and exemplifications, promoting the interaction between the several participants and the discussion of the works and strategies applied

Evaluation method

Método de avaliação - .Students will be assessed on the practical activities in which they participate, according to predefined criteria, which is worth 70% of the final classification.(70%), Once the fieldwork is completed, students will prepare a report of the work carried out, which corresponds to 30% of the final mark. The assessment will be made by the weighted average of the practical work and the report on that work.(30%)

Subject matter

Introduction to laboratory methodologies: cleaning, marking and inventory of materials. 3. Introdução ao desenho e tipificação dos materiais arqueológicos. / Introduction to the drawing and typification of archaeological materials. 4. Introdução à logística e preparação do trabalho de campo. / Introduction to the logistics and preparation of field work.


Programs where the course is taught: