Republican Roman Archaeology
1. To know the historic and cultural evolution of the Mediterranean from V-I B.C.
2. To acquire general and actualized knowledge on the archaeology of western Mediterranean societies in contact with Rome between V-I B.C.
3. To know the shaping of territory in Roman Republican period
4. To be able to identify the different site types and construction techniques wich are specifically roman or italic, with special reference to Hispania and, particularly, nowadays Portugal.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Rodrigo de Araújo Martins Banha da Silva
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
FABIÃO, C., A Herança Romana em Portugal. Lisboa, CTT Correios de Portugal, 2006.
PIMENTA, J., As ânforas romanas do Castelo de São Jorge (Lisboa), Instituto Português de Arqueologia, Trabalhos de Arqueologia, 41, 2005.
AAVV, Hispania – El Legado de Roma, Mérida, Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, 1999.
MEDINA, J. (dir.), História de Portugal- dos tempos pré-históricos aos nossos dias, vol.
II, O mundo luso-romano (coord. V.S.Gonçalves), Amadora, Ediclube, 1993.
PY, M. (dir.), Dicocer-Dictionaire de Céramiques Antiques (siècles VII a.C. – VII d.C.) en Méditerranée Nord-Occidentalle (Provence, Languedoc, Ampurdan), Lattara, 6, Association pour la Recherche Archéologique en Languedoc Oriental. 1993.
KEAY, S., Roman Spain, Londres, British Museum Publications, Col. Exploring the Roman World, 1988.
Teaching method
Masterly conducted sessions with image projections. Pratical sessions including handling archaeological artifacts. Visits to archaeological sites and museums.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - paper based on pratical work(50%), test (50%)
Subject matter
1. Roman Republic and Classical Archaeology. Theoretical perspectives on Romanization.
2. The sites. The Roman concepts on territory and its perception. Roman urbanism en Roman Republican Period. The Vrbs and colonies. The fora, temples, balnea and houses. Construction materials and typologies and architectonic decoration elements. Urban and suburban spaces. Military sites and uiae: the arcaheology of the conquest. Rural exploitation units.
3. Artifacts: methodologies, concepts, and the interpretation of material evidence in Roman Republic Period. “Black glazed wares”. Amphorae: italic and provincial models between IV-I B.C. Italic “Thin Walled” Wares. Roman and helenistic lamps.
4. Sites and Contexts. Functional and chronological characterization of Roman Republican Contexts. Study Cases in Hispania: the main reference contexts.