The Essentials of Archival Research


Upon completion of this course, students are suposed to:
1. Understand archival basic concepts and its history;
2. Know archive research methods and the problems it necessarily ensues.
3. Recognize the encoded and problematic epistemological processes of archival research
4. Successfully deconstruct the archival sources before using them in theirresearch area.
5. Successfully find the needed information to one’s research.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria João de Orey de Figueiredo Cabral da Câmara Andrade e Sousa


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 56

Teaching language



Available soon


  • CHU, H. (2015) Research methods in library and information science: A content analysis Library & Information Science Research (37) 36-41
  • COOK, Terry. 2001, Archival Science and Postmodernism: new formulations for old concepts Archival Science (1) 3-24 CORENS, L. (2016) The Social History of the Archive: Record- Keeping in Early Modern Europe Past & Present supplement (11) 9-49
  • FRIEDRICH, M. (2018) Archives and Archiving Across Cultures – Towards a Matrix of Analysis, BAUSI, A. Studies in Manuscript Cultures (vol. 11) Degruyter 421-445.
  • GILLILAND, A. (2016) Research in the Archival Multiverse. Melbourne: Monash University Publishing
  • ROSA, Maria de Lurdes, (2017) Reconstructing the production, recording and conservation of Pre-modern organizational information. Theoretical perspectives and research proposal Boletim do Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra, XXX, 547-586

Teaching method

The UC will be conducted as a classic seminar for Masters students. The introductory class will be presented by thetwo lecturers and one of them will always ensure the first part of each of the remaining sessions, also acting asmoderator in the proposed debates.

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment - Finally, students are expected to submit a research paper(60%), The debates will be based on questions posed at the end of each session, and it is advisableto read the proposed articles (sent via e-mail) in advance. Students are also expected to conduct online surveyspresenting the results to the group(20%), This will imply assiduous attendance of the classes by students as well as theiractive participation(20%)

Subject matter

1: WHAT ARE ARCHIVES?Bbasic concepts and their ongoing reformulation. Social history of archives: an outline.
2: WHAT ARE THE SOCIAL SCIENCES SAYING ABOUT ARCHIVES?Questioning of archives in the 20th and 21stcenturies: archival science, postmodernism, history, anthropology.
3: ARCHIVAL LITERACY AND INFORMATION-SEEKING BEHAVIOR (I): How to understand and to research in archives;Principles of archival organization and the deep sea of “finding aids”. (practical exercise)
4: ARCHIVAL LITERACY AND INFORMATION-SEEKING BEHAVIOR (II) How to find the archival sources you need.Presentation of different archival systems. (practical exercise)


Programs where the course is taught: