Research Thesis in History in Public Sphere


Upon completing the course, students should be able to
- Deepen their reflection on questions arising from the theoretical research and the practice of history;
- Develop competencies of systematic research and be able to undertake a critical reflexion on the results of research 
carried out in the field of public history;

- Acquire competencies for collaborative research work;
- Acquire skills in the ambit of the use of IT, communication and data analysis.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Aires Ribeiro da Cunha Oliveira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 840

Teaching language



Available soon


A definir caso a caso e de acordo com o Orientador.

Teaching method

Students are required to choose a supervisor and second reader from two institutions (CEU, TUFS, UNIFI, NOVA or INALCO) by the Fall term of the Second Year, who will monitor the work of bibliographic research and critical analysis of the documentation.
At the end of the second year, students are required to submit a Thesis of 18,000—22,000 words or a Capstone Project (including a 10,000 - 12,000 words), depending on the student’s emphasis on research skills or practical experience. The Final Examination is a composite oral examination scheduled for the end of the second year of the MA studies and takes places at TUFS. The Defense is conducted by a joint international examination commission with members from the Consortium Partner institutions.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

The Thesis is a piece of original research on a topic chosen by the student and approved by the co-supervisors, closely related to one of the program’s four thematic foci. The Capstone Project may be designed by the student in connection with their internship placement, and must be approved by the co-supervisors. It can take the form of a documentary film, exhibition, media product, etc., and must be submitted together with a documentation of the project development and execution, which shows theoretical, methodological, and historiographical competencies in the chosen topic.


Programs where the course is taught: