The Trastámara and Avis Dynasties: between politics and culture
The seminar aims to awaken in students an interest in comparative and multidisciplinary studies, based on the analysis of the cultural and dynastic policies promoted by the monarchs of the latter centuries of the Middle Ages in Castile and Portugal. Students are expected to acquire / develop: - understanding of the potential of the comparative study of two kingdoms such as Castile and Portugal from an interdisciplinary perspective; - ability to identify similarities and differences between legitimation strategies, cultural policies, and artistic decisions developed in similar chronologies in different kingdoms; - ability to use different types of sources, collect data, establish relations and put forward hypotheses of interpretation applicable to the study of other themes; - greater critical capacity, in the understanding of the logics of the construction of memory and of the political and cultural languages used in the medieval period.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria João Violante Branco
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 168
Teaching language
- Olivera Serrano, C. (2005) - Beatriz de Portugal. La pugna dinástica Avis-Trastámara.
- Santiago de Compostela: Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento.
- Nieto Soria, J.M. (2003) - "Las monarquías castellana y portuguesa a fines del Medievo: algunas perspectivas para una historia comparada", História: Questões & Debates, 37, pp. 11-36
- Beceiro Pita, I (2007) - Libros, lectores y bibliotecas en la España medieval. Murcia: Nausica
- Gómez-Martínez, J. e Silva, R. J. N. da (2008) - "Huguet, Boytac y el Tardogótico peninsular". In O largo tempo do Renascimento. Arte, propaganda e poder. Lisboa: Caleidoscópio e CHUL, pp. 311-355
Teaching method
The teaching methodologies used are based on the guiding principles of the pedagogical model implemented at Universidade Aberta for postgraduate courses, namely:
1. Collaborative learning (participation in asynchronous debates).
2. Individual research ( in order to elaborate written works throughout the semester).
Evaluation method
Continuous Assessment - Participation in debates(25%), Three written works (25% + 25% + 25%)(75%)
Subject matter
Topic I - Avis and Trastâmara in the 15th century. The foundation of two legitimacies
- Study of Luso-Castilian relations in the Late Middle Ages
- Diplomatic and political relations
- Dynastic discourse and legitimation of the Avis and Trastámara monarchies
- Comparative history of the Avis and Trastámara dynasties
Theme II - The courtly cultural sphere under the dynasties of Trastámara and Avis
- The characteristics of courtly culture - The ways of reading and the peculiarities of the female culture
- Cultural interactions between the two kingdoms
- The ideological function of culture
Theme III - Art, power and legitimation under the dynasties of Trastámara and Avis
- Propaganda and monarchy: art at the service of power
- Circles and models: the movement of artists and artistic forms
- Exile and memory: manipulating the past through art