Clinical Biochemistry
To acquire knowledge and skills in Clinical Biochemistry.
To be familiar with the basic aspects of quality control in this area.
To understand the importamnce of biomarkers and their role in translational research.
To know the experimental methods used to quantitatively and/or qualitatively determine the molecules associated with metabolic disorders.
To be able to search and interpret critically the literature, namely from the point of view of Cases Studies.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José Ricardo Ramos Franco Tavares
Weekly - 4
Total - 70
Teaching language
General knowledge of physiology, chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology
- William J. Marshall, Marta Lapsley, Ruth M. Ayling Clinical Biochemistry: Metabolic and Clinical aspects 3th Edition, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2014
- R. Swaminathan Handbook of Clinical Biochemistry, Oxford University Press, 2004.
- Thomas Devlin. Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations. 6th Edition, Wiley-Liss, 2006.
- Allan Gaw, Michael J. Murphy, Robert A. Cowan, Denis St. J. O''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Reilly, Michael J. Stewart, James Shepherd. Clinical Biochemistry: An Illustrated Colour Text. 4th Edition, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008.
Teaching method
The course includes lectures and problem-solving classes. Lectures will be taught using "data show", accompanied by supplementary bibliography previously available on the website of the curricular unit. In the presentation, a diagnostic test will be distributed, which will focus on subjects considered essential for the student to grasp the concepts presented in this course. Five theoretical classes will be Seminars by experts in areas of Clinical Biochemistry.
The problem-solving classes will focus on discussion of experimental techniques used in clinical laboratories. The students will present a seminar on this topic followed by a discussion period including the whole class.
Evaluation method
THEORETICAL EVALUATION (40% of the final grade):
Test, approaching subjects taught by the three Professors
To pass, you need to have a grade of, at least, 9.5 in this Test. There is no minimal grade for each test. If you miss the test with no medical justification, you will have zero points.
SEMINAR EVALUATION (30% of the final grade)
This grade will take into account the presentation in the form of a seminar, the discussion that follows, including the answers to the questions asked by the Professors, and the Power Point presentation (or other software) delivered by 00:00 on May 7th.
The weight of each component of this assessment is divided as follows:
70% relates to the content of the presentation handed in.
10% relates to the presentation skills by each individual member of the group. There is a grid for this assessment on Moodle.
20% relates to the answers given by the group to the questions posed by the Professors following the Seminar.
This assessment will be made up of the average of the 4 best marks from 5 mini-tests, to be taken on Moodle at the end of the days of presentation of guest seminars (April 23 and June 2), or the days of analysis of recorded interviews with doctors, pharmacists and technicians from the clinical pathology service of the local health unit of western Lisbon (SPC-ULSLO) (May 14, 21 and 28). These interviews are an integral part of the Virtual Tour of that service.
Only for students who have failed, or who wish to improve their grade (upon registration) in the theoretical assessment. This exam counts for 70% of the final grade for the course and covers the subjects of the test and all the mini-tests. For failed students to pass the course, a mark of 9.5 or more is mandatory in this exam.
Subject matter
- Introduction to Clinical Biochemistry. Acquisition and interpretation of biochemical data. The laboratory in Clinical Biochemistry and Quality aspects.
- Acid-base and electrolytic balance in the body and clinical tests related to respiratory and renal functions.
- Plasma proteins and related Clinical tests. Acute Phase Proteins and immunoglobulins.
- Liver function and Liver Function Tests (LFTs) and their interpretation.
- Biomarkers in translational biomedical research: case studies on cancer and Stroke.
- Current analytical methods in Clinical Pathology laboratories, with emphasis in the Biochemical side.
- Seminars by Portuguese and foreign experts in important and upcoming Research and translation areas in Clinical Biochemistry research.
Programs where the course is taught: