Analytical Bioorganic


The main objectives are:

1) learning the application of different chromatographic techniques;

2) learning the sample preparation techniques;

3) understanding the qualitative and quantitative analytical chemistry.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Paulo da Costa Noronha, Luísa Maria da Silva Pinto Ferreira


Weekly - 3

Total - 56

Teaching language



Basic knowledge in Chemistry and Organic Chemistry.

Basic knowledge of statistics.


The Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide for Gas Chromatographers, Dean Rood, 4th Ed., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007.

Interpretation of Mass Spectra, McLafferty, F.W. and Turecek, F., University Science Books, Mill Valley, CA, 4th Edition, 1993.

Introduction to Protein Mass Spectrometry, Pradip K. Ghosh, Academic Press 2016, 978-0-12-802102-6

Organic Laboratory Techniques, Ralph J. Fessenden, Joan S. Fessenden and Patty Feist, Brooks/Cole (Ed.), 2001.

Principles of Analytical Chemistry – A Textbook, M. Valcárcel, Springer-Verlag (Ed.), 2000.

Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th Edition - Daniel C. Harris - W. H. Freeman (2010)

Statistics for Analytical Chemistry; J.C. Miller and J.N. Miller, Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester, England, 1988.

Teaching method

Theoretical subjects are presented and explained to students in theoretical-practical lectures (1h / week).

  • The theoretical-practical lectures taught using a "data-show", accompanied by supplementary bibliography previously available on the course page in CLIP/Moodle. In the first class of the semester all information about the curricular unit will be presented. Evaluation will be discussed as well.

Practical lectures, 2.5h/week in a working group. Of the 42 practical hours, 4 hours include seminars and 10 hours are for the student''s personal projects or to safeguard equipment from malfunctioning.

It will be involved: GC, HPLC (LC-UV, LC-DAD), sample preparation methods (including classic methods, SPE and SPME). Introduction to multidimensional methods (GC-MS, LC-MS/MS)

Evaluation method

1.Theoretical-practical assessement:

  • 2 theoretical-practical tests (individual): 25% each

2.Practical assessement:

  • 1 Report (article format) + Presentation (group) - Overall assessment: 25%
  • 2 Delivery of work in Note format (group): 25%

In all assessement periods, marks are rounded to the nearest tenth of a unit. If the average grade for the theoretical-practical part is less than 9.50 out of 20, the grade for the theoretical-practical component will have to be obtained through an exam, which will then be worth 50% of the final grade for the course.

Attendance is compulsory. It is based on 67% attendance at theoretical-practical classes and attendance at all practical classes.

When carrying out the evaluation elements (Theoretical-practical Tests/Examination) it is permitted to use a scientific or graphical calculator as well as a form constructed by the student.

The elements of the laboratory assessment component (Note/Report) are sent to the course moodle page on a date/time agreed with the students.

Subject matter

Instrumentation: HPLC, GC, GC/MS and LC-MS/MS - basic components and how to use.

Sample preparation: SPE, SPME, liquid extraction, lyophilization, dryness and derivatization.

Analytical method validation.


Programs where the course is taught: