Asymmetric Organic Chemistry II


The teaching program on asymmetric organic chemistry, which began in QOA I, will be continued but with an emphasis on the mechanistic aspects. Material from physical chemistry and gneral organic chemistry courses will be combined to create a wider base in kinetics and thermodynamics with emphasis on asymmetric chemistry for the Bioorganc chemistry Masters course. The interdisciplinarity of this course will be strengthened by interlinking other courses such as computational chemistry and structural analysis.

The following themes will be taught but within a flexible framework and can be adjusted depending upon the profile of the students attending the masters course in Bioorganic chemistry.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Manuela Marques Araújo Pereira, Paula Cristina de Sério Branco


Weekly - 3

Total - 69

Teaching language



Students with a full degree preferably in the field of Organic Chemistry.


-Organic Synthesis. Strategy and Control, P. Wyatt, S. Warren, John Wiley  Sons, 2007.
-Workbook for Organic Synthesis, Strategy and Control, P. Wyatt, S. Warren, John Wiley Sons, 2008.
- March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry, Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure, M. B. Smith, J. March, Wiley – Interscience, 6ª ed., 2007.
- Organic Chemistry, J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P Wothers, Oxford University Press, 2001.

Teaching method

Available soon

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

Stereochemistry. Asymmetric reactions and asymmetric induction - Fundamentals

Strategies based upon chiral reagent, chiral catalyst or chiral substrate.

            The ‘Chiral pool’ Asymmetric synthesis using asymmetric natural products as starting material.

            Chiral auxiliaries. Chiral catalysts (asymmetric hydrogenation, asymmetric epoxidation and dihydroxylation).

Diastereoselectividade in aldol and related reactions.

Aymmetric organocatalysis: nucleophilic substitution in aliphatic compounds, nucleophilic addition to double bonds, carbonyls and imines, cycloaddition reactions, Oxidation and reduction.

Biotransformations and the use of enzymes in organic synthesis.

Asymmetric catalysis: Comparison of metal based and organocatalytic systems.

Selective radical processes.

Strategy in natural product synthesis.


Programs where the course is taught: