Geological Engineering

Education objectives

Master in Geological Engineering’s curricula aim at the identification and responsible exploitation of georesources, the construction of infrastructures and structures resilient to the underway changes on the planet, the valorization and recycling of waste, as well as the analysis and rehabilitation of contaminated soils.

A set of comprehensive units is offered in matching areas with Geological Engineering - Geotechnics, Georesources and Geoenvironment. Teaching is supported by hands-on theoretical-practical classes, with a strong laboratory component, seminars, and field trips, providing students with the knowledge and tools necessary to solve environmental problems arising from human activity, in a context of sustainability, quality, and safety.

The Master’s degree students will have the ability to apply, by themselves or in multidisciplinary teams, advanced knowledge of science and technology in professional practice or research in Geological Engineering. Furthermore, it will enable students to coordinate and develop projects, identify, innovate and develop the most appropriate solutions to problems of engineering under analysis, according to the best technical requirements and considering the associated environmental and socio-economic impacts.

Career opportunities

NOVA FCT Geological Engineers work as managers or technical experts in teams from companies and institutions, in particular:

  • Consultancy and design of geotechnical works;
  • Consultancy and rehabilitation projects for contaminated industrial areas;
  • Consulting and management projects and planning of georesources, including the inherent digital modeling;
  • Technical monitoring of civil construction works or environmental rehabilitation projects;
  • Management of geological, geotechnical, or geoenvironmental risks;
  • Responsible for geophysical, mechanical exploration plans, field tests, and sampling (in the scope of geotechnical, geochemical, or geoenvironmental studies);
  • Responsible for quality or safety on site;
  • Management of geotechnical infrastructure assets;
  • Research.

General characterization

DGES code



Master (2nd Cycle)



Access to other programs

Access to a 3rd cycle


José António de Almeida

Opening date





Portuguese students: 1500 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year



Teaching language

Available soon

Degree pre-requisites

Duration: 2 years 

Credits: 120 ECTS

Scientific Area Acronym Credits(ECTS)
Mandatory Optional
Geological Engineering  EG 72 0
Civil Engineering  EC 3 0
Engineering Sciences  CE 3 0
Geological Engineering or Geology EG / G 0 27
Geological Engineering or Civil Engineering EG / EC 0 6
Transferable Skills  CC 3 0
Any other area QAC 0 6 a)
TOTAL 81 39

(a) 6 ECTS in courses chosen by the student on a list approved annually by the Scientific Council of NOVA FCT, which includes the unity of all scientific areas of NOVA FCT.

Conditions of admittance

Admission rules:

  1. Holders of a bachelor''s degree (pre-Bologna or 1st cycle post-Bologna) in Geological Engineering, Geological and Mining Engineering, Georesource Engineering, Geoengineering, Geoenvironmental Engineering, Mining Engineering, Civil Engineering, Geology, Geophysics and Earth Sciences and Atmosphere, related areas or legal equivalent, with a minimum number of 180 ECTS;
  2. Holders of a foreign higher academic degree with the designations referred to in the previous point, recognized as meeting the objectives of the bachelor''s degree. Requires approval from the Scientific Council of NOVA FCT, after acceptance of the application by the Scientific Committee of the Master in Geological Engineering;
  3. Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum, which is recognized as attesting the ability to carry out this cycle of studies by the course''s Scientific Committee.


  • Course classification;
  • Academic and scientific curriculum;
  • Professional curriculum;
  • Possible interview.

Evaluation rules

The evaluation of all UCs is continuous for all the components that integrate it, and it must be completed by the last day of the school term of the academic semester.

The continuous evaluation of a UC must include a minimum of three elements in the set of evaluation components, on dates adequately spaced throughout the period of classes.

All UCs with a theoretical-practical evaluation component must provide, in addition, a form of evaluation of this component by exam, to be carried out after the period of classes (Examination of Appeal).

All requirements and conditions related to the evaluation of the UC, namely the minimum weights and classifications, if any, of each component, as well as the Frequency conditions, are defined a priori and, mandatorily, published in the Discipline Form.

For each UC, combinations of three evaluation components are allowed: (i) Theoretical-practical evaluation; (ii) Laboratory or project evaluation; (iii) Summative assessment.

The final Dissertation (or Project) involves a public discussion with a Jury.

Regulamento de Avaliação de Conhecimentos (Licenciaturas, Mestrados Integrados e Mestrados.)


1.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
13252 Engineering Geological Characterization and Mapping 3.0
13248 Geomatics MEG 3.0
13249 Georesources and Sustainable Engineering 3.0
10909 Building Materials 3.0
10739 Rock mechanics 6.0
13250 Geological Modelling 3.0
13247 Rock Excavation Technologies 6.0
1.º Semester - Opção 1
Code Name ECTS
10733 Seismic Engineering Basis 3.0
10741 Petroleum Geology 3.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
2.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
13251 Evaluation and Exploitation of Resources 6.0
10734 Dams and underground works 6.0
10380 Entrepreneurship 3.0
10738 Geoenvironmental Engineering 6.0
10610 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) 3.0
11066 Unrestricted Electives 6.0
2.º Semester - Opção 2
Code Name ECTS
10737 Foundations and Retaining Structures 6.0
10910 Processing and Valorization of Mineral Resources 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 3.0 créditos nesta opção.
3.º Semester - Opção 3
Code Name ECTS
10743 Slope Stability 6.0
13253 Metallic Resources Economic Geology 6.0
12732 Geology and Urban Planning 6.0
10745 Management and Water Quality 6.0
10736 Infrastrutures and other works 6.0
10735 Instrumentation and Ground Improvement 6.0
12733 Groundwater Modeling 6.0
3.º Semester - Opção 4
Code Name ECTS
10743 Slope Stability 6.0
13253 Metallic Resources Economic Geology 6.0
12732 Geology and Urban Planning 6.0
10745 Management and Water Quality 6.0
10736 Infrastrutures and other works 6.0
10735 Instrumentation and Ground Improvement 6.0
12733 Groundwater Modeling 6.0
3.º Semester - Opção 5
Code Name ECTS
10743 Slope Stability 6.0
13253 Metallic Resources Economic Geology 6.0
12732 Geology and Urban Planning 6.0
10745 Management and Water Quality 6.0
10736 Infrastrutures and other works 6.0
10735 Instrumentation and Ground Improvement 6.0
12733 Groundwater Modeling 6.0
3.º Semester - Opção 6
Code Name ECTS
10743 Slope Stability 6.0
13253 Metallic Resources Economic Geology 6.0
12732 Geology and Urban Planning 6.0
10745 Management and Water Quality 6.0
10736 Infrastrutures and other works 6.0
10735 Instrumentation and Ground Improvement 6.0
12733 Groundwater Modeling 6.0
3.º Semester - Unidade Curricular do Bloco Livre
Code Name ECTS
11066 Unrestricted Electives 6.0
4.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
13254 Master Dissertation in Geological Engineering 30.0