Functional Foods


At the end of this course the student will have acquired knowledge, skills and powers to:

1-Develop the ability to interpret and analyze nutrition problems, to perform calculations with conceptual bases linked to a case definition of needs of energetic and regulators nutrients, along with an integration of the nitrogen metabolism.

2-Meet nutritional aspects to articulate processes related to the maintenance of health, emphasizing the integration of chronic food problems.

3-Characterize components and properties of functional foods, mastering fundamental concepts and methodologies related to their applicability to health benefits

Study and apply methodologies for developing functional foods at the industrial level, describing and interpreting limitations and methodological alternatives.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Fernando Henrique da Silva Reboredo


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 84

Teaching language



The students must have basic knowledge about chemistry, physics, biochemistry and physiology.


- Lidon, F., Silvestre, M. M. (2010). Princípios de Alimentação e Nutrição Humana. Escolar Editora. ISBN: 978-972-592-270-5

- Gropper, S. S., Smith, J. L. (2012).Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism. Cengage Learning; 6 edition. ISBN: 13: 978-1133104056

- Stipanuk, M. H., Caudill, M. A. (2012).Biochemical, Physiological, and Molecular Aspects of Human Nutrition. Saunders; 3 edition. ISBN: 13: 978-1437709599

- Aluko, R. E. (2012).Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals (Food Science Text Series). Springer Verlag. ISBN: 13: 978-1461434795

- Hasler, C. M. (2005). Regulation of Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: A Global Perspective. Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition. ISBN: 13: 978-0813811772.

- Smith, J. Charter, E. (2010).Functional Food Product Development. Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition. 13: 978-1405178761.

Teaching method

The teaching, supported in the use of multimedia projections and e-learning methods (i.e., the use of the Moodle program), will include theoretical and practical classes grounded in the theoretical and application of concepts.

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment in two components: theoretical (2 individual Mini-Tests - each with 30% of the final classification) and theoretical-practical: (production and oral presentation of a research project on the synthesis and mobilization of assimilates and crop production, based on literature and laboratory studies - 40% of the final classification).

Final rating: (0.30*Mini-Test1) + (0.30*Mini-Test2) + (0.40*Research work). Approval requires a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20 values) for each component (theoretical-practical and theoretical).

Students without approval in the continuous assessment will be submitted to exam. Rating equal to 0.6*Exam+0.4*classification of theoretical-practical. Approval with a minimum grade of 9.5 (scale of 20 values)

Subject matter

Contemporary food issues. Standardization nutrition: energetic and regulators nutrient, nitrogen balance and water requirements. Food processing: ingestion, digestion, absorption, accumulation and elimination.

Nutrition and health: carbohydrate intolerance, food allergies, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer.

Foodborne illness: mycotoxins and micropollutants.

Diet and physiological states: sexual (menopause and andropause), bone and memory senescence.

Functional foods: definition; animal and vegetable products; physiological mechanisms of action and health benefits (initial development and growth of children, the mother´''''''''''''''''s diet, children and adolescents; gastrointestinal health, mental, bone and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, diseases musculoskeletal disorders, aging and physical performance, obesity, lipid profile). Research and development of functional foods in the industry (pilot systems and scale factors).


Programs where the course is taught: