Invertebrates Paleontology
Promote specialized skills in Invertebrate Paleontology, including morphology, classification, evolution and phylogeny, biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of taxonomic groups of the fossil record;
Develop knowledge on Portuguese Paleontology, considering the fossil sites and stratigraphic intervals;
Reveal the scientific, didactic and historical importance of fossil invertebrates.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ligia Nunes de Sousa Pereira de Castro, Octávio João Madeira Mateus
Weekly - 3
Total - 51
Teaching language
Available soon
Jain, S. (2020). Fundamentals of Invertebrate Palaeontology. Springer India.
Giribet, G., & Edgecombe, G. D. (2020). The invertebrate tree of life. Princeton University Press.
Buchsbaum, R., Buchsbaum, M., Buchsbaum, M., & Pearse, J. (2013). Animals without backbones: an introduction to the invertebrates. University of Chicago Press.
Doyle, P. (2014). Understanding fossils: an introduction to invertebrate palaeontology. John Wiley & Sons.
Carvalho, I.S. (2001) – “Paleontologia”. Editora Interciência, Rio de Janeiro, 629 p.
Teaching method
Theoretical classes with multimedia support. Practical classes with observation and description of fossils from the DCT Paleontology collection. Field trip, visiting fossiliferous successions and preparing a report.
Evaluation method
Assessment based on:
- 1) reports on 3 fossiliferous groups covered in theoretical classes; 2) 3D model of one of the fossiliferous group; 3) Oral presentation of one of the fossiliferous group. 1)+2)+3) = 60%
- field output report (poster/pdf) (30%)
- oral presentation on geology and palaeontology observed during field trips (10%)
Subject matter
1.General concepts
Invertebrates and metazoans
Importance on modern biosphere and during the Phanerozoic
Biostratigraphic relevance
2.Biodiversity and Fossil Record
Diversity of modern invertebrates
Skeletal synthesis, fossilization and preservation
Implications of fossil record bias
3.Origin and early diversification
First Metazoans
The Upper Proterozoic marine faunas
Origin and evolution of main Phyla
The meaning of Cambrian radiation
Mass extinctions
4.Main phyla (morphology, classification, evolution and phylogeny, biostratigraphic, palaeoecologic and biogeographic importance)
Phylum: Porifera/Cnidaria/Briozoa/Brachipoda/Mollusca/Echinodermata/Annelida/Arthropoda/Hemichordata
5.The Invertebrates on the Portuguese Palaeontology
Historical synthesis
Main stratigraphic intervals with fossil record
Mains fossil sites
Museological collections
Scientific importance and heritage
6.Exceptional sites (lagerstätten)